
A weakly supervised summary quality metric (NAACL 2022 paper)

Primary LanguagePython

SueNes: A Weakly Supervised Approach to Evaluating Single-Document Summarization via Negative Sampling

Here is NAACL 2022 paper

Dependencies and environment

  • The negative sampling code requires TF 2.x and tensorflow_datasets.
  • The bert code requires TF 1.15. We run our experiments using nVidia's TF fork.
  • SpaCy is needed for segmentation.
  • System: Ubuntu 20.04, 64GB RAM, RTX 3090

To repeat our experiments

First, create folders under the directory of this project:

mkdir exp exp/data exp/result

1. Negative sampling

Code for generating negative samples are in pre folder.

cd pre
python3 sentence_scramble.py # for sentence-level mutations 
python3 sample_generation.py # for crosspairing and word-level mutations

Configrations corresponding to the two Python scripts above are in sentence_conf.py and sample_generation.py. Edit them to change negative sampling settings.

2. Model training and test

Code for model training and test is in the bert folder.

Suppose now you are still in pre folder.

cd ../bert # go one level up and then into the bert folder 
bash run_classifier.sh 

It will call our modified BERT's run_classifier.py script to train negative samples just generated above and to test on Newsroom, RealSumm, and TAC2010. Variable names in our run_classifier.sh bash script are made very self-explaintory for you to conveniently change the settings, such as the training set, test set, etc.

Our run_classifier.py script hard-codes paths for the three test sets as: ./newsroom_60.tsv, ./realsumm_100.tsv, and ./TAC2010_all. The files newsroom_60.tsv and realsumm_100.tsv are in this repo for convenience. TAC2010 is not because its access requires approval from NIST. All three files can be generated from raw data using scripts under human folder. Please refer to the README file under human/{newsroom, realsumm, tac} for information.

3. Aligning with human evaluations

Code for computing the correlation between our models' predictions and human ratings from the three datasets is in the human folder.


Additional code are kept for reference, e.g., used in early stage of the development of our appproach:

  • embed: Scripts for sentence-level embedding. Kept for reference.
  • old: Sentence-level models. Kept for reference.

Baselines and upperbounds

Baselines: without using human-written reference summaries

  • SUPERT: using heuristics to generate psedo-summaries
  • BLANC: converting summary quality assessment into a question anwersing problem
  • SummaQA: converting summary quality assessment into a question anwersing problem
  • SUM-QE and WS_Score: problematic work

Upperbounds: using human-written reference summaries