
Project to help norm stimuli for human experiments for comparison to RNN LMs

Primary LanguagePython


Project for norming experimental stimuli relative to RNN models. Specifically, outputting surprisal metrics, frequency info, computing similarity metrics, and checking if experimental vocabulary are contained in the models.


Requires the following python packages (available through pip):

To recreate the POS tags for the vocab you need: spaCy v2.2.4

From spaCy you need the pretrained English model "en_core_web_sm":

python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

If you want to run the other models (bert|gpt|tfxl) from bert.py:

This is much more limited at the moment so it may have to be tweaked (and may crash in non-use cases)

Quick Usage

To run norming on stimuli:

python norm.py --has_header --models all

This runs with default settings, stimuli file is assumed to be multi_sent.xlsx (in stimuli/), runs on all models (--models all), sentences will be treated seperately, and by-model and average output will be saved from IT experiment to results/normed_multi_sent(.xlsx and .csv).

Information on Files

There are five overarching options (or experiments), outputing by-word information-theoretic measures only (IT), outputting by-word similarity to a baseline and information-theoretic measures (RSA), one-shot learning a stimuli set and output change in surprisal (ADAPT), one-shot learning a stimuli set and output change in RSA (RSA-ADAPT), or checking a stimuli for UNKs (UNK).

stimuli file

  • expecting any number of columns, where each column is a sentence, with an optional header
  • if running RSA the first column will be treated as the baseline
  • if running ADAPT the input format should be SENT1, ENT, SENT2, ENT
  • if running RSA-ADAPT the input format should be BASELINE, COMPARISION, SENT1, ENT, BASELINE, COMPARISON, SENT2, ENT

normed files are saved to results and can be formatted as an excel file or csv. The columns in this are, for each sentence (subscripted i, the baseline will be SENT_0 for RSA)

  • SENT_i - Sentences combined from columns as given in stimuli file (lower-cased)
  • UNK_SENT_i - Sentences combined with any missing vocab as <unk> (this is what the model sees)
  • hasUNK_i - Boolean that is 0 if all words are in vocabulary, 1 otherwise

Then the columns range over each word by sentence. For mismatching sentence lengths a dummy word NULL with -1 values for the measures is appended:

  • sent_i_word_k_ent_avg - Average entropy after the word across tested models
  • sent_i_word_k_red_avg - Average entropy reduction caused by the word across tested models
  • sent_i_word_k_surp_avg - Average surprsial at the word across tested models
  • sent_i_word_k_sim_avg - Average similarity (if RSA) between the last hidden layer for the baseline and the word
  • sent_i_word_k_ent_[MODEL] - Entropy after the word for the MODEL
  • sent_i_word_k_red_[MODEL] - Entropy reduction caused by the word for the MODEL
  • sent_i_word_k_sup_[MODEL] - Surprisal at the word for the MODEL
  • sent_i_word_k_sim_[MODEL] - Similarity (if RSA) between the last hidden layer for the baseline and the word for the MODEL

For ADAPT the columns are as follows:

  • LOW - First column of sentences from input stimuli file
  • LOW_ENT - Entropy of verb given in input stimuli file (second column in stimuli file)
  • MODEL_delta - Change in surprisal at the final word after MODEL one-shot learns sentence
  • avg_delta - Average change in surprisal at the final word after each model one-shot learns sentence
  • HIGH - third column of sentences from input stimuli file
  • HIGH_ENT - Entropy of verb given in input stimuli file (fourth column in stimuli file)
  • MODEL_delta - Change in surprisal at the final word after MODEL one-shot learns sentence
  • avg_delta - Average change in surprisal at the final word after each model one-shot learns sentence

For RSA-ADAPT the columns are as follows:

  • BASELINE - First column from input stimuli, is baseline that similarity is calculated for
  • COMPARISON - Second column from input stimuli, is sentence to compare similarity to baseline
  • LOW - Third column of sentences from input stimuli file, sentences to learn from
  • LOW_ENT - Entropy of verb given in input stimuli file (fourth column in stimuli file)
  • MODEL_pre - Similarity prior to learning
  • MODEL_post - Similarity after learning
  • MODEL_diff - Difference between similarity after learning and before learning (positive means greater similarity after one-shot learning)
  • avg_pre - Average similarity prior to learning sentences
  • avg_post - Average similarity after learning sentences
  • avg_diff - Average difference in similarity after learning sentences minus prior to learning
  • BASELINE - Fifth column from input stimuli, is baseline that similarity is calculated for
  • COMPARISON - Sixth column from input stimuli, is sentence to compare similarity to baseline
  • HIGH - Seventh column of sentences from input stimuli file, sentences to learn from
  • HIGH_ENT - Entropy of verb given in input stimuli file (eighth column in stimuli file)
  • MODEL_pre - Similarity prior to learning
  • MODEL_post - Similarity after learning
  • MODEL_diff - Difference between similarity after learning and before learning (positive means greater similarity after one-shot learning)
  • avg_pre - Average similarity prior to learning sentences
  • avg_post - Average similarity after learning sentences
  • avg_diff - Average difference in similarity after learning sentences minus prior to learning

The directory vocab_info includes information about the frequency of words in the training corpora. Including:

  • raw_vocab - The vocabulary of the models
  • tagged_vocab.csv - The vocabulary tagged for POS label
  • noun_vocab_freq.csv - The nouns from the vocabulary with their frequency
  • verb_vocab_freq.csv - The verbs from the vocabulary with their frequency

Extra Details

The stimuli directory houses excel files with the data in the experiment.

To run norm.py with non-default settings:

usage: norm.py [-h] [--exp EXP] [--models MODELS] [--vocab_file VOCAB_FILE]
               [--has_header] [--multi_sent] [--avg] [--filter FILTER]
               [--stim_file STIM_FILE] [--output_file OUTPUT_FILE]
               [--file_type FILE_TYPE] [--cell_type CELL_TYPE] [--layer LAYER]

Experiment Stimuli Norming for LSTM Language Model Probing

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --exp EXP             experiment type [IT|RSA|ADAPT|RSA-ADAPT|UNK]
  --models MODELS       model to run
  --vocab_file VOCAB_FILE
                        vocab file
  --has_header          Specify if the excel file has a header
  --multi_sent          Specify if you are running multiple sentence stimuli
                        (only for IT|RSA)
  --avg                 Specify if you want to return only average measures
  --filter FILTER       Specify name of file to words to filter from results
                        (only for IT|RSA)
  --stim_file STIM_FILE
                        path to stimuli file
  --output_file OUTPUT_FILE
                        Ouput file name: default is normed_[stim_file_name]
  --file_type FILE_TYPE
                        File type for output: [xlsx|csv|both|dill|cell]
  --cell_type CELL_TYPE
                        measure to output for the cell file type
  --layer LAYER         layer to get similarity at (for BERT, GPT2, TFXL)

Example run:

    norm.py --exp RSA --models all --stim_file stimuli/RSA_Analysis.xlsx --file_type xlsx --has_header --multi_sent --avg --filter

This will look for a stimuli file called RSA_Analysis.xlsx that will have a header and that has as its first column a baseline for RSA comparison. The remaining sentences will be processed as a discourse unit as per --multi_sent. The information-theoretic measures and similarity of the baseline to each of the words in the unit will be returned in an xlsx file called normed_RSA_Analysis.xlsx. By specifiying --models all and --avg, the output will be only the average values for that word across the models.
Additionally running norm.py with --avg without specifying and output file will append avg to the file name in results (normed_avg_RSA_Analysis.xlsx).

To run with the larger Wikipedia models or the Web models, download them from here and rename the directory large_models and web_models, respectively.

The flags filter and multi_sent only apply to the IT and RSA experiments.

To recreate the frequency count information in vocab_info, you need the training corpora for the models. Unfortunately, they are too large to be pushed to git. They will be added to a Zenodo archive if this is published. Otherwise, you can email me for it. The pipeline for when you have the corpora is to first get POS tags for the vocab.

python scripts/tag.py models/vocab

This will saved the tag vocab to vocab_info as tagged_vocab.csv. Next you need to get the word frequency counts for the corpora. To do this:

./scripts/get_counts.sh [a-e] > OUTPUT_FNAME

The results from running this on my end are in vocab_info/[A-E]_word_freqs. As you can see, the output is sorted from most to least frequent word in the corpus.

Given these files, you can run freq.py to get the verb and noun frequencies csv files, which are saved in vocab_info as noun_vocab_freq.csv and verb_vocab_freq.csv.

python scripts/freq.py

Included in main is a function adapt, which takes sentences from an excel file and one-shot learns each sentence, returning surprisals before and after learning and the difference at the target.

Other Run Options

The file_type dill will save the output as a binary file which can be used later (saved as instance of Stim class in data.py). The file_type cell will save the output as stimuli sentence X model measure with the measure being specified with the cell_type flag (use case is sim, but should work for ent, surp, red_ent). Running non-lstm models (bert|gpt|tfxl|elmo) goes through bert.py (only validated for RSA experiments).
