
Tracy Profiler - Unreal plugin

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Tracy Profiler - Unreal Engine plugin

Unreal engine plugin for tracy profiler - https://github.com/wolfpld/tracy

Based on unreal external profiler api.


Run game/editor with -tracy cmd parameter.

Currently supports:

  • Frames.
  • Start and stop scope events.
  • Log messages.
  • Bookmarks (tracy message with different color) - requires engine changes.

How to install:

  • Clone repository and copy Tracy folder in your unreal project's Plugins.
  • In Tracy/Source/Tracy/Tracy.Build.cs you can modify tracy macros (TRACY_ON_DEMAND, TRACY_NO_CALLSTACK, TRACY_CALLSTACK)
  • Copy files necessary from Tracy profiler into Tracy/Source/TracyLib
    • From your clone of Tracy profiler copy public folder into Tracy/Source/TracyLib:
    • There might be some fixes necessary in Tracy files:
# client/TracyProfiler.cpp
-        ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Windows %i.%i.%i\n", ver.dwMajorVersion, ver.dwMinorVersion, ver.dwBuildNumber );
+        ptr += sprintf( ptr, "OS: Windows %i.%i.%i\n", (int)ver.dwMajorVersion, (int)ver.dwMinorVersion, (int)ver.dwBuildNumber );
  • Compile your unreal project.

How to enable bookmarks (requires engine changes):

Create function for handling bookmarks in class FExternalProfiler

# Source/Runtime/Core/Public/ProfilingDebugging/ExternalProfiler.h
class CORE_API FExternalProfiler : public IModularFeature
+	template <typename FmtType, typename... Types>
+	void OutputBookmarkEvent(const FmtType& Fmt, Types... Args)
+	{
+		OutputBookmark(FString::Printf(Fmt, Args...));
+	}
+	virtual void OutputBookmark(const FString& Text) {};

Modify TRACE_BOOKMARK macro in MiscTrace.h

# Source/Runtime/Core/Public/ProfilingDebugging/MiscTrace.h
+#include "ProfilingDebugging/ExternalProfiler.h"
-#define TRACE_BOOKMARK(Format, ...) \
-	static bool PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__); \
-	if (!PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__)) \
-	{ \
-		FMiscTrace::OutputBookmarkSpec(&PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__), __FILE__, __LINE__, Format); \
-		PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__) = true; \
-	} \
-	FMiscTrace::OutputBookmark(&PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__), ##__VA_ARGS__);
+#define TRACE_BOOKMARK(Format, ...) \
+	static bool PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__); \
+	if (!PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__)) \
+	{ \
+		FMiscTrace::OutputBookmarkSpec(&PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__), __FILE__, __LINE__, Format); \
+		PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__) = true; \
+	} \
+	FMiscTrace::OutputBookmark(&PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__), ##__VA_ARGS__); \
+	if (FActiveExternalProfilerBase::GetActiveProfiler()) FActiveExternalProfilerBase::GetActiveProfiler()->OutputBookmarkEvent+(Format, ##__VA_ARGS__);
+#define TRACE_BOOKMARK(Format, ...) \
+	static bool PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__); \
+	if (!PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__)) \
+	{ \
+		FMiscTrace::OutputBookmarkSpec(&PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__), __FILE__, __LINE__, Format); \
+		PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__) = true; \
+	} \
+	FMiscTrace::OutputBookmark(&PREPROCESSOR_JOIN(__BookmarkPoint, __LINE__), ##__VA_ARGS__);