Android app (and widget collection) that displays sunlight and moonlight times.
Pinned issues
- 6
Warning in F-Droid
#781 opened by bugith - 19
#818 opened by islam2hamy - 1
WIdget keeps resetting
#838 opened by flberger - 4
lunar midnight is late into the morning
#827 opened by HoodBlah - 0
- 0
[Feature request] Add solar midnight
#835 opened by acornmonkey - 0
Alarm doesn't switch the display on
#837 opened by tenzap - 6
Wrong calculation for the repeated alarm
#831 opened by islam2hamy - 0
- 0
[Feature request] SunPosition options improvements
#826 opened by stormy1777 - 2
Suntimes Apps (F-Droid Repository)
#772 opened by forrestguice - 6
Exporting calendar doesn't work
#820 opened by iww-clydeside - 0
[Feature request] Dismiss alarm with slider
#738 opened by pseudomonas - 2
View Date limited to 1000 days in the past
#770 opened by kshpytsya - 0
Earliest/latest sunrise/sunset
#753 opened by zekooooo - 2
Visual interface partly clipped, no scrolling
#754 opened by tymcat - 0
[Feature request] alarm widget
#766 opened by islam2hamy - 4
- 0
[Feature request] Longer Before/After Offset Window
#779 opened by necopinus - 1
App crash
#792 opened by islam2hamy - 2
JCenter is closing
#825 opened by licaon-kter - 8
- 11
- 2
- 1
[Bug Report] "Sun Position" screen altitude has the wrong colour during Nautical/Astronomical Twilight
#805 opened by elydpg - 16
Widget not displaying properly
#812 opened by HolyNameSoftware - 0
Ideas and data on solar and lunar eclipses, as well as meteor showers, from Trail-Sense
#816 opened by naoliv - 2
- 3
[Feature request] Current location for alarm
#768 opened by bryankaplan - 2
Allow at least custom locations deletion
#809 opened by bugith - 0
No online help
#797 opened by jackthebean - 2
- 2
[Feature request] calendar widget
#780 opened by islam2hamy - 2
Left side of display slightly hidden
#798 opened by jackthebean - 1
Minutes for sunset partly visible
#795 opened by JaapD - 2
[Feature request] Places
#785 opened by islam2hamy - 2
- 8
Very big font size for date widget
#763 opened by islam2hamy - 0
- 1
[Feature request] please make a github build of the latest 0.6.1 calendar plug in
#776 opened by topcaser - 12
Github Version is replaced by fdroid version
#771 opened by topcaser - 3
- 3
- 2
Doubt about some untranslated strings
#747 opened by naoliv - 1
Crash when tapping on date
#751 opened by bege10 - 3
custom date format is not saved
#759 opened by milkcreeks - 1
- 1
sun data source crash
#743 opened by islam2hamy - 5
Visual inconsistency + font too dark on moon widget
#744 opened by gusio - 0
#746 opened by xandro0777