
🌈 Type-safe navigation library for Jetpack Compose

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

A small and simple, yet fully fledged and customizable navigation library for Jetpack Compose:

  • Full type-safety
  • Built-in state restoration
  • Nested navigation with independent backstacks
  • Own Lifecycle, ViewModelStore and SavedStateRegistry for every backstack entry
  • Animated transitions
  • Dialog and bottom sheet navigation
  • Ability to define scopes for easy sharing of ViewModels
  • No builders, no obligatory superclasses for your composables

Quick start

Add a single dependency to your project:


Define a set of screens. It is convenient to use a sealed class for this:

sealed class Screen : Parcelable {

    object First : Screen()

    data class Second(val id: Int) : Screen()

    data class Third(val text: String) : Screen()


Create a composable with NavController, NavBackHandler and NavHost:

fun NavHostScreen() {
    val navController = rememberNavController<Screen>(
        startDestination = Screen.First


    NavHost(navController) { screen ->
        when (screen) {
            is Screen.First -> Column {
                Text("First screen")
                Button(onClick = {
                    navController.navigate(Screen.Second(id = 42))
                }) {
                    Text("Open Second screen")

            is Screen.Second -> Column {
                Text("Second screen: ${screen.id}")
                Button(onClick = {
                    navController.navigate(Screen.Third(text = "Hello"))
                }) {
                    Text("Open Third screen")

            is Screen.Third -> {
                Text("Third screen: ${screen.text}")

As you can see, NavController is used for switching between screens, NavBackHandler handles back presses and NavHost provides a composable corresponding to the last destination in the backstack. As simple as that.


Full documentation is available here.

Additional dependencies

Library-specific hiltViewModel() implementation:


BottomSheetNavHost implementation:


BottomSheetNavHost, but only with Material 3 dependencies:



Explore the sample. It demonstrates:

  • passing values and returning results
  • animated transitions
  • dialog and bottom sheet navigation
  • nested navigation
  • BottomNavigation integration
  • entry-scoped and shared ViewModels
  • hoisting of NavController to the ViewModel layer
  • deeplinks


I've been thinking about Android app architecture and navigation in particular for the longest time. After being introduced to Compose I could finally create the navigation structure that satisfies all my needs perfectly.

I hope it can help you as well.

If you like this library and find it useful, please star the project and share it with your fellow developers. You can also buy me a coffee.