Real Estate Exchange

Welcome to the cmpe226-team wiki!

  1. ERD

  2. DDL

Basic Set up

python 3.6 + flask( + mysql

Learning resources

Flask Official Doc


pyvenv (come with python 3.6)

For differences of virtualenv, pyvenv, venv, pyvenv, pyenv-virtualenv, etc., please refer to this stack overflow question. This is a somehow annoying problem of python versions.

YS: In my experience, many popular libraries (such as TensorFlow and gRPC) use virtualenv.

Run locally

Assume at local machine you already have a recent python 3 version (3.5 or 3.6) and pip.

# or simpler: pyvenv ~/flask
python3 -m venv ~/flask

# activate the environment 
source ~/flask/bin/activate

# install flask and other packages
pip install flask
pip install flask-mysql
pip install werkzeug

# clone this repository to your local
git clone
cd CMPE226/app

# after running, for deactivation of environment

Setting up database

Go to, and change the following to your own local database user.

app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_USER'] = 'user'
app.config['MYSQL_DATABASE_PASSWORD'] = 'pass'

To import DDL, go to the ddl

mysql < team5_final.sql -u yourusername -p