
mqtt (source) conncetor for kafka

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Mqtt to Apache Kafka Connect Build Status Download


  • Apache Kafka (0.10.x version) is publish-subscribe messaging rethought as a distributed commit log.


For development:

  • run check (checkstyle, findbugs, test):
    ./gradlew clean check

  • run project:
    connect-standalone.sh /usr/local/etc/kafka/connect-standalone.properties config/mqtt.properties

    • libs needs to be added to CLASSPATH:
      • kafka-connect-mqtt-{project.version}.jar
      • org.eclipse.paho.client.mqttv3-1.0.2.jar
      • if used with ssl there are more.. (./gradlew copyRuntimeLibs copies all runtime libs to ./build/output/lib)

For production:

  • build project: ./gradlew clean jar - output ./build/libs

  • generate API documentation: ./gradlew javadoc - output ./build/docs/javadoc

Building the Docker image

The docker image can be used to run the connector in standalone mode, without a Kafka connect cluster.

To build the docker image, run:

./gradlew jar copyRuntimeLibs
docker build . -f docker/Dockerfile


See LICENSE file for License