
This is library rest api made by nodejs, express, typescript, postgresql and jwt. This doesnt use ORM. This project is done using typscript and express.

  1. Database setup
  • You need to install postgresql on your pc.
  • Create a database named as library
  • Then download or clone the source code and in the project directory, run this command. npm install
  • Then run npm run setup(This will create books table and insert 3 rows.)
  • Then run npm run dev to run the project after ctrl+c.
  • You can see the following output in terminal. [✔️] User table created successfully. [✔️] Books table created successfully. [✔️] User-To-Book table created successfully.
  • Database structure. There are 3 tables for this project. books table: id, title, pub_year, description users table: uid, email, password, created_date users_books: user_id, book_id (For management of favorite books of each user. many-to-many relation)
  1. Signup/Login
  • Users are created when they are signed up using their email and password.
  • First registered user is considered as admin of this application.
  • Other users are considered as general users.
  1. Authentication
  • Admin can add or remove book.
  • General users can add or remove book one at a time into their favorite books.
  1. Endpoints
  • If you run using npm run dev, you can see Running on port 5000.

  • If you type http://localhost:5000/books (GET) in your browser, you can see all the books listed.

  • http://localhost:5000/users/signup (POST) email and password are needed. You can use postman to test it.

  • http://localhost:5000/users/login (POST) email and password are needed. If login successful, you can get the following. { "id": "c8feaef5-c2c9-409a-b0bf-d8e1e0345a20", "email": "", "password": "$2b$08$y66uwL8/HfwAhFANs0md..kTLk7bOm.vrz.rH9UGElWds.FiPM7Fm", "is_admin": true, "created_date": "2021-04-25T19:28:03.110Z", "modified_date": "2021-04-25T19:28:03.110Z", "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VySWQiOiJjOGZlYWVmNS1jMmM5LTQwOWEtYjBiZi1kOGUxZTAzNDVhMjAiLCJpYXQiOjE2MTk0MTE0MDEsImV4cCI6MTYyMDAxNjIwMX0.1buWPx3DL1KyrUpMAkpQ-9ciApTrWSjJM6HQfloluy8" }

    You can use id field to add/remove favorite books using the token.

  • http://localhost:5000/users/:uid/add (POST)

    Here you should use uid as the id field in over login result and insert token value into the headers x-access-token field.

    body {"id":4}

  • http://localhost:5000/users/:uid/remove

    In the same way as previous one, you should include token and uid. body {"id":4}

Above mentioned are addding/removing favorite books of each user.

  • Admin: Only first registered user is considered as admin. These actions will add/remove the books listed. endpoints: http://localhost:5000/books/add (POST) body: { 'title':'anything', 'pub_year':2021, 'description': 'anything about this book...' } header x-access-token : The token you get by using login with first registered email and password

            http://localhost:5000/books/remove (POST)
           body: {
           header x-access-token : The token you get by using login with first registered email and password