FORTH2020 Zoom Meetings Presentations
You will find here the agenda of past FORTH2020 monthly Zoom Meetings, with links to the recordings, material presented (slides...), and links to the presenters.
Links: FORTH2020 Facebook Group ▫ FORTH2020 Web Page ▫ ESP32Forth Projects
Meeting 42 - February 10th, 2024
📽 [Recording of the meeting] Pending
- SKI Calculus: Minimal Formal Computation in AlexForth 6502, by Alex Dumont
- Programming a video game in Agon FORTH, by Lennart Benschop
- OpenGL without floating point, by Pablo Reda
- A sneak preview of the NC4000 simulator, by Cornelius Keck
- Docker-Forth: Run numerous Forth systems w/o installation, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- C tokenizing and expression parsing in Dusk-OS, by Virgil Dupras
- Multiport gates, by Jos Ven
Meeting 39 - October 14th, 2023
Demo of my RTX-2000 board, by George Phillip Oraes Forth TTL Cpu, by Brad Rodriguez DUSKOS: a ForthOS with integrated C compiler, by Virgil Dupras Forth is simple, but not easy, by Pablo Reda Robot music, by Rob Probin Forth Data Structures (Value Flavoured Structures), by Ulrich Hoffmann Still Trying to Meta-compile, by Brad Nelson Teaching the world about Forth, by Bill Ragsdale
Meeting 38 - September 9th, 2023
- Porting ESP32forth to the LilyGo T-Deck, by Jason C-J Tay
- My Forth implementation on the Agon SBC Z80, by Lennart Benschop
- T-GPGA board, ASM for ESP32, Diaperglu & Forth news, by James Norris
- Sorting tables in Forth, by Jos Ven
- Building the MyForth Nor computer, by John O Brian
- The Evolution of CREATE DOES> Over Forty Years, by Bill Ragsdale
- Conditional compilation with [IF] and friends, by Klaus Schleisiek
- FPGA Forth CPU uCore on Altera, workshop, lead by Klaus Schleisiek
Meeting 37 - August 12th, 2023
- My4th Forth TTL computer, by Dennis Kuschel
- The Agon SBC runs FIGForth!, by Phil Waller
- VolksForth CP/M auf dem Agon Light 2, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- Qbots educational robots run ESP32forth, by Mindaugas Luneckas
- Robot Encoders (highlighting Forth Mathematics), by Rob Probin
- Introducing 'PeriMan' - a Forth approach to Peripheral Management, by Michel Smart
- Colorforth news from the Inventio site, by Howerd Oakfoard
- FPGA Forth CPU uCore on Altera, workshop, lead by Klaus Schleisiek
Meeting 36 - July 8th, 2023
- Esp32forth Bluetooth communication, by Frank Russo
- MicroMouse controller with Forth, by Rob Probin
- Arcade-game sounds on AY chip using .afx file format, by Matteo Vitturi
- Vocabularies in Win32forth, by Bill Ragsdale
- Esp32forth corner -- Dividing ESP32forth, by Brad Nelson
- FPGA Forth CPU uCore on Altera, workshop lead by Klaus Schleisiek
Meeting 35 - June 3rd, 2023
This meeting starts with several member's submission to the Elevator Challenge proposed by Peter Jakacki:
- Atle Bergstrom Lift solution in ESp32forth
- James Norris Lift solution in Diaperglu Win64 Forth
- Bill Ragsdale Lift solution in Win32forth
The meeting then follows with some members' presentations:
- Literate programming in Forth, by Wolf Wejgaard
- Poor man's compiler, by Klaus Schleisiek
- NoForth news, by Willem Ouwerkerk
- Signing your Forth source, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- Quadrature Encoders in Mecrisp Bluepill for CNC, by Christian Hinse
Meeting 34 - April 8th, 2023
This meeting starts with several member's submission to the Elevator Challenge proposed by Peter Jackaki:
- Peter Jakacki presents "the Elevator Challenge results"
- Francois Laagel Lift solution on Forth Z79
- Pablo Reda Lift solution in R3
- George Orais Lift solution in ColorForth
- PeterForth Lift solution on ESp32Forth
- Peter Jakacki Lift solution on TachyonForth
- James Norris Lift solution on DiapergluForth
- Matteo Vitturi Lift solution on SpectrumForth
- Vladimir Gumenuk Lift solution on WinForth64
The meeting then follows with some members' presentations:
- Ulrich Hoffmann "VolksForth in the browser"
- Ulrich Hoffmann "Project Forth Works"
- Bill Ragsdale "Formatted Floats"
- Howerd Oakford "Colorforth update"
- Cecil Bayona "Step by Step compiling MinForth"
- Don Golding "Update on Core1 and Kicad PCB"
Meeting 32 - February 11th, 2023
- Porting ESP32forth to M5stack, by Jason C-J Tay
- Alloc and Malloc, how to get free memory from the OS, by Bill Ragsdale
- Introduction to Isomax, by Brad Rodriguez
- First steps with Zeptoforth, by Christian Hinse
- Poor man´s CASE, by Klaus Schleisiek
- Novix NC4000 PCB, by Mark Lacas
Meeting 31 - January 21st, 2023
- Emu6502, a 65C02 emulator in Forth, by Alex Dumont
- Implementing PRINTF in Forth/R3, by Pablo Reda
- Robots, by Willem Ouwerkerk
- Win32forth, by Bill Ragsdale
- Multiple personalities of Quote, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- ESP32forth on M5stack teaser, by Jason C-J Tay
- A touch interface for ESP32forth, by Jan Langevad
- Fault handling in ESP32forth, by Brad Nelson
- Esp32-S3 and new TN display, by PeterForth
Meeting 30 - December 10th, 2022
- Isomax Forth history, by Brad Rodriguez
- Cosmic Conquest: Recovering a Forth retro game Byte 1981, by Rick Carlino
- Core1 Forth CPU, by Don Golding and Demitri Peinado
- Simulation and REPLIT, by Rob Probin
- So this is Christmas - ESP32forthStation, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- Home automation with ESP32forth, by Jan Langevaad
- Development of an RC-servo library for Flashforth, by Christian Hinse
- Open chat: expectations of Forth2020 group for 2023, by Ulrich Hoffmann and PeterForth
Meeting 29 - November 12th, 2022
📽 Forth programming challenge, by Peter Jakacki
Peter presents several interesting submissions from group members to his Forth Programming challenge of the month on the topic of text scrolling.
- SPS30 Air Quality sensor with Forth, by Jos Ven
- Number to Text Conversion, by Bill Ragsdale
- FPGA ForthCPU Microcore real world applications, by Klaus Schleisiek
- ForthMobile updates, by Atle Ramsli
- RPI Pio Assembler, by Willem Ouwerkerk
- ESP32 corner Asm & Disasm news, by Brad Nelson
Meeting 28 - Octobre 8th, 2022
This 28th meeting, our members showcased how they use Forth in their projects.
- Demo of the Parallax P2 multicore MCU with Tachyon, by Peter Jakacki
- Mecrisp Quintus Demo by Hans Bemeier
- Grow your Programs, a way to develop in Forth, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- Demo of "TV Broadcasting live with R3-Forth" by Pablo Reda
- "The day Esp32Forth spoke" demo by PeterForth
- Latest Esp32forth updates, by Brad Nelson
Meeting 27 - Septembre 10th, 2022
Chat with Chuck Moore 2022: the inventor of the Forth language and top eminence of the Forth2020 group, Chuck Moore gifted us with this informal interview during our 27th monthly Zoom meeting.
Meeting 26 - August 13th, 2022
- MECRISP Demo, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- NOF a tiny file system for SPI Flash chips, by Willem Ouwerkerk
- FPGA Kernels with Forth, by Klaus Kohl-Schöpe
- μCore, VHDL Code and Structure Part 1, by Klaus Schleisiek
- Tricks and Hints when Porting Forth Code, by François Laagel
- ESP32forth Sockets, by Brad Nelson
Meeting 25 - July 9th, 2022
- FRED Rapid Embedded Development for Mecrisp, by Peter Jakacki
- μForth cross-compiler, μCore's assembler, by Klaus Schleisiek
- Data Structures in Forth: Let's go for objects, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- Building A Wordle Tool Kit, by Bill Ragsdale
- Zeptoforth news & the browser terminal, by Travis Bemann
- Database for an Expert System, by Demitri Peinado
- Proving the Meta-II Compiler in 2 byte cell, by François Laagel
Meeting 24 - June 11th, 2022
- FPGA Forth microcore, by Klaus Schleisiek
- Mark 1 FORTH Computer, by Andrew Holme
- Flash transition layer in Fignition, by Julian Skidmore
- A modular MODBUS Server with STM8 eForth, by Thomas Goeppel
- Esp32 Superexpander, by Atle Ramsli
- ILI9488 3.5 display in Esp32Forth, by PeterForth
- ESP32forth Update June 2022, by Brad Nelson
- Colorforth in 2022 - Part 3, by Howerd Oakfoard
Meeting 23 - May 21st, 2022
📽 Recording of the meeting Part 1 Part 2
Spanish and Portuguese meeting, with a few english presentations.
- Esp32Forth desenvolvimento de um jogo, by Ricardo Michel
- Programando en Forth/R3, by Pablo Hugo Reda
- Benchmarking ESP32forth, by Jason C-J Tay
- Handling interupts in Forth on ZXSpectrum, by Matteo Vitturi
- ESP32-Superexpander board in Forth, by Atle Ramsli
- Canal TecnoReBot, videos de ESP32forth en Español, by Jose Maria Mendez Ruiz
- ILI9488 3.5 display in Esp32Forth, by PeterForth
Meeting 22 - May 14th, 2022
Once again an incredible meeting, this time packed with lots of implementation related presentations, some on the architectural and hardware side, and other more on the software side.
- Breaking the 64K Limit: handling Extended Memory in Forth, by Brad Rodriguez
- Forth and Bluetooth low energy, by Rob Probin
- WinForth64, 64-bit Forth for Windows, by Vladimir Gumenuk
- 6502 SBC presentation, by Frédéric Segard
- AlexForth 6502 - 2022.05 updates, by Alex Dumont
- Colorforth in 2022, Under the hood, by Howerd Oakfoard
- Disassembler automatically generated by assembler, by 張吉進 Chang Luke
Meeting 21 - April 9th, 2022
- Demo of FORTH^3, by Scott McCallum
- Rapid Prototyping and hardware debugging with Forth, by Peter Jakacki
- Benchmarks with Esp32forth, by Jason C-J Tay
- VolksForth - 35 years later, by Ulrich Hoffmann
- Colorforth in 2022, by Howerd Oakfoard
- Forth Meets WalMart, by Bill Ragsdale
- News about ESP32forth development by Brad Nelson
- Forth2020 members show what they are working on, with Jos Ven , Jan Lagevaad, PeterForth
Meeting 19 - March 12th, 2022
- Chat with Brad Rodriguez, the author of Moving FORTH.
Meeting 18 - Feb 12th, 2022
The main topic of this meeting was the ESP32, starting with a presentation of the famous ESP32 Youtuber Andrea Spiess. Next several presentation of FORTH2020 members show how they leverage the ESP32 platform in FORTH with ESP32Forth for their DIY projects. Then Brad Nelson gaves some updates on the latest ESP32Forth development. After that, we have a presentation of Fignition single board educational computer, and another about programming the Gameboy Advance in FORTH. We wrap up the meeting with Dr Ting's latest updates on his JavaForthMachine.
- Presentation of Andrea Spiess, ESP32 and Embedded systems world expert
- MC6800 Emulator in ESP32forth, by Jan Langevad
- ESP32forth computer by Pablo Hugo Reda
- Playing music tunes on the ESP32 with ESP32Forth, by Ralph Lundvall
- Latest ESP32forth updates by Brad Nelson
- Building a universal remote controller with cForth, by Jos Ven
- Forthmobile on the ESP32 by Atle Ramsli
- SDcard support for ESP32forth by PeterForth
- Into Fignition, it's purpose and architectural decisions by Julian Skidmore
- Gameboy Advance Programming in FORTH 🔗, by Ties Stuij
- JavaForthMachine-1 by Dr. C. H. Ting
Meeting 17 - Dec 11th, 2021
- "RiscV Forth" by Adrian McMenamin
- "Tutorial: Arrays: automatic resizing, RAM/ROM" by Ulrich Hoffmann
- "Z80 Forth for the spectrum" by Matteo Vitturi
- "Implementing FORTH on my 6502 computer" by Alex Dumont
- "A Poor Man's Floating Point " by Bill Ragsdale
- "A Virtual Java Machine or a Real Forth Machine?" Dr. Ting
- "Forthmobile on the ESP32" by Atle Ramsli
- "ESP32Forth for Beginners" by Christian Hinse
- "ESP32Forth workshop" by PeterForth and Christian Hinse
Meeting 16 - Nov 27th, 2021
Forth en Español & Portugues
- "Lenguaje de programacion R3 (inspirado en ColorForth)" by Pablo Hugo Reda
- "Msx computer F83" by Jorge Janaite Neto
- "Tek90 Z80 Forth clone brasileiro do Spectrum" by Ricardo Michel
- "ESP32Forth instalación & workshop" by PeterForth and Christian Hinse
Older Meetings
Presentations from older meetings, pending to be clasified.