
Generic event data model for HEP collider experiments

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

key4hep linux


A generic event data model for future HEP collider experiments.

Vector3f Vector3d Vector2i TrackState
SimCalorimeterHit RawCalorimeterHit CalorimeterHit Cluster
MCParticle Vertex ParticleID ReconstructedParticle
SimTrackerHit TPCHit TrackerHit Track
MCRecoParticleAssociation MCRecoCaloAssociation MCRecoTrackerAssociation ObjectID

The tests and examples in the tests directory show how to read, write, and use these types in your code.


This project is in a beta stage -- feedback and use of it in production is encouraged, but expect changes until a stable version is released in some weeks.




  • Doxygen (to build code reference)
  • HepMC (integration test)
  • HepPDT (integration test)
  • TrickTrack (integration test)

Build and Install

This project follows the key4hep guidelines and can be build with CMake:

source /cvmfs/sw-nightlies.hsf.org/key4hep/setup.sh
git clone https://github.com/key4hep/EDM4hep
cd EDM4hep; mkdir build; cd build
cmake ..
make test

The library files and dictionaries (libedm4hep.so, ...) must be put somewhere in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Contributions and bug reports are welcome! See our contributing guidelines if you want to contribute code to EDM4hep.