A set of Azure Templates for getting you started in Azure with Fortinet.
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Deployment Issue: FGT VM Script Deploying Across Availability Set Instead of Zones
#70 opened by somwone4msomewhere - 2
- 0
NSG's are not assiociated to to subnets
#69 opened by HansGe - 1
- 1
ip_forward setting azurerm provider change
#67 opened by ajlab-gh - 1
Couldn’t deploy Fortigate VM from Azure marketplace using any of the instance recommended and available for 2vCPU
#66 opened by RohanJ123570 - 1
FortiGate vWAN Section Missing
#65 opened by crose-telus - 1
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Change in template throwing errors on deployment.
#62 opened by YSongCloud - 2
Active/Passive High Available FortiGate pair with Fabric Connector Failover - Template failure ( Azure Markeplace)
#61 opened by albertphancellenza - 2
Deployment Issue
#59 opened by paulkelly100 - 1
- 1
Deployment of NIC fails
#58 opened by gitguitar - 8
A/A with ELB and ILB VPN Site 2 Site
#56 opened by sanktis - 1
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Fortiweb HA A/P behind Azure load balancer.
#52 opened by adriatikb - 1
Internet out from the Fortigate
#41 opened by sammons-rjohn - 3
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Link monitor Best Practice Azure
#53 opened by AndreasMWalter - 1
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Failover for VIP
#35 opened by rmc515 - 3
Load Balancer doesn't use Zone Redundancy when you set the machines to Zone Redundancy
#50 opened by RAWRitsCloud - 2
Can't Deploy the Active Passive SDN
#43 opened by desmphil - 1
Closed connections to secondary window
#44 opened by LunaviSteve - 2
Unable to access firewall through Public management IPs - Azure Active -Passive Ha deployment with ELB and ILB
#49 opened by jeraldkphilip - 5
No internet access for non Microsoft IP's
#45 opened by evopilottuner - 2
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Fortigate - Availability Zone Templates have previous 6.0.0 version, please upgrade to new version 7+
#39 opened by desmphil - 1
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Can we add availavility set option?
#21 opened by kichitan - 1
Route to
#42 opened by dcb612 - 1
Active-Passive SDN API Version Validation Failure
#46 opened by bruss22 - 1
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FortiGate BYOL format
#37 opened by StefanIvemo - 4
Update FortiGate/AvailabilityZones/Active-Passive-ELB-ILB-AZ/ to support new instance types and fortios versions
#32 opened by dataolle - 2
Schema invalid URI
#33 opened by wraythezw - 1
#28 opened by oluoyeneye - 1
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static route to
#23 opened by l4m3us3r - 3
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