
Keras/Tensorflow Neural Network Conversion to ONNX and Inference with ONNX Runtime

Primary LanguagePython

ONNX Runtime Example: Simple Neural Network with Keras/Tensorflow

This example is a run-through of how to use the ONNX Runtime. Let's start by moving into the keras-tf-nn directory and following the steps.

1. Build the Docker image and run the container:

To run the demonstation build the image, and start the container:

docker build -t onnx-keras-nn -f Dockerfile.CUDA .
docker run -it --gpus=all onnx-keras-nn:latest bash

If your device is not CUDA-capable, replace Dockerfile.CUDA with Dockerfile.CPU in the build command and remove --gpus=all from the run command.

If your device is CUDA-capable, make sure nvidia-container-runtime is installed.

2. Train the model and test the default prediction:

As a start, train the Keras/Tensorflow model and save it:

export SAVED_MODEL_PATH="/mnt/models/simple_nn_saved_model"
python training/train.py $SAVED_MODEL_PATH  # model saved to the path we specified in the variable
python prediction/predict_default.py $SAVED_MODEL_PATH # note the prediction time output to the console

3. Convert the model to an ONNX graph:

To convert the saved Keras/Tensorflow model we use tf2onnx (keras2onnx is an alternative):

export CONVERTED_MODEL_PATH="/mnt/models/simple_nn_converted_model/converted_model.onnx"
python -m tf2onnx.convert \
    --saved-model $SAVED_MODEL_PATH \
    --output $CONVERTED_MODEL_PATH \
    --opset 12 # onnxruntime 1.7.0 supports up to ONNX OpSet 12

4. Run the ONNX prediction session:

Now that the model has been converted to an ONNX graph, and the default optimizations have been applied, we can test the prediction and review the performance boost:

python prediction/predict_onnx.py $CONVERTED_MODEL_PATH # note the very minor differences in the predicted values