
Guides for learning + doing better web and app development. Created by Coding for Entrepreneurs.

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Guides for learning + doing better web and app development. Created by Coding For Entrepreneurs.

Common Django URL Regular Expression Patterns (regex)

Celery & Redis with Django

Create a Local & Blank Django Project

Django Image Field and the Python Image Library

Django & Geolocation

Django Translation

Render to PDF in Django

Reactivate Virtual Environment

Reactivar un Entorno Virtual

Using South in Django

Kill Server when Errors Occor

Social Sharing with HTML Links

Angular Webserver with Rack

ioT & Raspberry Pi

Django Pi Network Server Guide | Raspberry Pi + Django

Homebaked Parts List | Raspberry Pi + Django

Installation Guides

Python & Django on Mac and Linux

Python & Django on Windows

Guías de instalación

Python y Django para Mac y Linux

Python y Django para Windows

Database Installation

Install PostgreSQL on Mac or Linux

Install PostgreSQL on Windows

Using PostgreSQL with Django

Mac-Only Installations



Deployment Guides

Amazon Web Services

Elastic Beanstalk & Django

S3 Staticfiles for Django


Heroku & Django Deployment Guide


WebFaction & Django Deployment Guide


Linode + Django Deployment Guide

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean + Django Deployment Guide

Debian Linux Server Django Setup Guide

Debian + Django + Apache2 Setup Guide