
Build Notion packages for Ubuntu/Debian

Primary LanguageShell

Notion DEB Builder

Build Notion packages for Ubuntu/Debian, using resources extracted from Notion's Windows or macOS packages.

Prebuilt packages

See Releases


  1. Install Node.js, e.g. using NVM:

    nvm install node
  2. Install asar, electron-packager and electron-installer-debian:

    npm -g install asar electron-packager electron-installer-debian
  3. Install packages required for 7z, convert, fakeroot and dpkg.

    Using Ubuntu or Debian:

    sudo apt install p7zip-full imagemagick fakeroot

    Or, using macOS:

    brew install p7zip imagemagick fakeroot dpkg
  4. Download the latest Notion Windows or macOS installer, as notion.exe or notion.dmg respectively, e.g. using wget:

    wget 'https://desktop-release.notion-static.com/Notion%20Setup%202.0.6.exe' -O notion.exe


Run the build script:

./build.sh <platform>

replacing <platform> with either win or mac, depending on which sources you would like to build from.

Once complete, you should have a DEB package in the out directory.