
Send PHP mails to multiple users (html body, embedded images, mail lists, random subjects)

Primary LanguagePHP


Send PHP mails to multiple users (html body, embedded images, mail lists, random subjects)



  • multy mails
  • random subjects
  • embeded images

This tool requires Phpmailer lib with different protocols.

Place file 'class.phpmailer.php' (and any other classes of this lib) in this project folder.

CONFIGURATION edit file conf.php to setup all tools

  • tplpath: folder with mail content
  • imgindex: list of images in content folder (create it using format: [cid]\t[filename]\n, see USAGE 2,3)
  • html: file with html mail body
  • altbody: file with alternate plain text mail body
  • prefix: a string with some path, using in html original template (see USAGE 4)
  • smtphost and smtpport is your sender mail host
  • xmailer: name of our mailer, use current or print any other like 'Outlook Express'
  • fromaddr and fromname: part of "from" mail header
  • subjects: file with list of subjects random selected for each sended mail
  • emailvalidlist: empty file (may not be existed) which filled after mailchecker.php execution


    1. Make layout of your mail in HTML format and place it to tpl/template.html file.
    1. Place all images to tpl folder too.
    1. Make index for images like in file tpl/images.txt. Name if each index should be different. Name of pictures shoulb be in same register as file names.
    1. If images in your layout has some path in src attribute of IMG tag, like 'images_folder/pic.png', edit line 3 of file 'image_cider.php' (ex: const prefix='images_folder/')
    1. Run command: php image_cider.php. This tool replace all image pathes in file 'template.html' according to cid indexes
    1. Fill mail_list.txt and subjects.txt
    1. Run command: php mailer.php


  • image_cider.php (see Usage 5.)
  • mailchecker.php - get list of mails from file (Config - maillist), make request to mail domains, check for MX host and create a new file with check results (Config - emailvalidlist).
  • valid2list.php - postchecking tool for cleanup mail checking result file (leave only valid emails). Run command: php valid2list.php emailvalidlist.txt good_mails.txt