
A humane dependency fetcher for scientific projects

Primary LanguagePython


A humane dependency fetcher and builder for scientific projects, written in Python.


For installation instructions please check http://wigwam.in.


  • wigwam install packagename - fetches the package, appends it to the Wigwamfile located in the current directory and runs build
  • wigwam install packagename --disable feature1 feature2 --git development - forces install from git branch development with disabled feature1 and feature2
  • wigwam in - executes .wigwam/wigwam_activate.sh and makes available the installed binaries and libraries
  • wigwam run python - executes a command (python in this case) from within wigwam, without creating an interactive sub-shell
  • wigwam build - fetches and builds all dependencies specified in the Wigwamfile
  • wigwam status - lists installed packages
  • wigwam remove packagename --dangerous - removes ONLY the reference from Wigwamfile
  • wigwam clean - removes all installed packages
  • wigwam which- prints the path to .wigwam directory

Updating wig list on the website

git clone https://github.com/vadimkantorov/wigwam --branch gh-pages wigwam_site_update && cd wigwam_site_update && wigwam search --json > _data/wigs.json && git commit -a -m 'Update wigs.json by "wigwam search --json"' && git push && cd .. || rm -rf wigwam_site_update
