
Be sure to check the package.json on the top level to see all commands.

Getting Started

  1. Be sure you are on Node version 14 LTS


  1. Run npm run install-all on the top level (directory with both frontend and backend directories)


  1. Navigate to the /backend directory
  2. Create a .env file
  3. Copy contents of sample.env to .env
  4. Edit environment variables within .env to fit your needs


  1. Navigate to the /frontend directory
  2. Create a .env file
  3. Copy contents of sample.env to .env
  4. Edit environment variables within .env to fit your needs


  1. Run npm run dev:backend to start the websocket and express server
  2. Run npm run dev:frontend to start the React dev server.



There is a debugger setup for VSCode, instead of starting the backend with npm run dev:backend:

  • Click the "debugger" icon on the left panel
  • Be sure the menu at the top says "Debug Backend"
  • Click the green arrow, or press f5 to start the backend


There is a debugger setup for VSCode, to use it:

  • Start the frontend application like normal
  • Close the react tab that automatically opens
  • Click the "debugger" icon on the left panel
  • Be sure the menu at the top says "Debug Frontend"
  • Click the green arrow, or press f5 to launch a debugging window for chrome



run npm run test:backend, observe the output.


To be setup

ESLint rules

  • Based on the Airbnb style guide
    • Removed rule disallowing .js extensions for files with jsx
    • eslint.rc file lives at the root of the repo
    • Husky and lint-staged will not allow you to push un-linted commits. Look out for errors when you commit.

Created by Odin Students