Compare Nginx SSL Termination Overhead (within a reverse proxy) vs Go (in process).
Run ./ localhost
to create a a local ssl cert. Copy the keyfiles into
along with the nginx.conf
The Go binary is a simple Hello World HTTP server that needs to be recompiled to serve HTTPS.
All tests here (not very scientific, for sure) were run on a quad core i7, if that is relevant.
fortytw2@fortytw2 ~ % echo "GET https://localhost:8081/" | vegeta attack -duration=30s -insecure | tee results.bin | vegeta report
Requests [total, rate] 1500, 50.03
Duration [total, attack, wait] 29.98051442s, 29.979999935s, 514.485µs
Latencies [mean, 50, 95, 99, max] 682.338µs, 686.243µs, 751.002µs, 1.677588ms, 18.316751ms
Bytes In [total, mean] 18000, 12.00
Bytes Out [total, mean] 0, 0.00
Success [ratio] 100.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:1500
Error Set:
fortytw2@fortytw2 ~ % echo "GET https://localhost:8080/" | vegeta attack -duration=30s -insecure | tee results.bin | vegeta report
Requests [total, rate] 1500, 50.03
Duration [total, attack, wait] 29.980323182s, 29.979999924s, 323.258µs
Latencies [mean, 50, 95, 99, max] 491.133µs, 434.315µs, 735.471µs, 1.18063ms, 19.708664ms
Bytes In [total, mean] 18000, 12.00
Bytes Out [total, mean] 0, 0.00
Success [ratio] 100.00%
Status Codes [code:count] 200:1500
Error Set: