
This formula installs the Backblaze B2 CLI utility, backup scripts, and crontab entries.

Links to b2 documentation: https://b2-command-line-tool.readthedocs.io/en/master/

To get this running in an existing *-infrastructure environment...

A region must be set for awscli in order for aws ssm get-parameter commands to succeed. We can set it via the awscli configuration file in ~/.aws/config using the [default] profile, or set it at runtime via the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable. During this testing period we're exporting the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION variable as part of the crontab expression.

The following must be added to the BuildKite pipeline for the plan and apply build steps:

      - seek-oss/aws-sm#v2.0.0:
              secret-id: "bk_backblaze"
              json-key: .B2_APPLICATION_KEY_ID
              secret-id: "bk_backblaze"
              json-key: .B2_APPLICATION_KEY
      - docker#v3.5.0:
          image: &tf-version hashicorp/terraform:0.13.3
          entrypoint: /bin/sh
            - "B2_APPLICATION_KEY_ID"
            - "B2_APPLICATION_KEY"
  1. Add a backblaze.tf to the terraform subdirectory to create the B2 bucket and B2 application key:
resource "b2_bucket" "backups" {
  bucket_name = "f1-${var.aws_account_id}-${var.client}"
  bucket_type = "allPrivate"

  # Server-side encryption is good for you
  default_server_side_encryption {
    mode = "SSE-B2"

resource "b2_application_key" "backup_key" {
  # Use the same bucket name for this key
  key_name = b2_bucket.backups.bucket_name

  # Limit the application key to this bucket
  bucket_id = b2_bucket.backups.bucket_id

  # Only offer these capabilities:
  capabilities = [
    # Needed for the 'b2 authorize-account' command

    # Needed for 'b2 sync' and 'b2 upload-file'

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "b2_bucket_name" {
  name        = "/forumone/${var.project}/backblaze/bucket-name"
  description = "The friendly name of the Backblaze B2 backup bucket"

  type  = "String"
  value = b2_bucket.backups.bucket_name
  tags  = local.common_tags

resource "aws_ssm_parameter" "b2_key" {
  name        = "/forumone/${var.project}/backblaze/application-key"
  description = "Application access keys for the Backblaze B2 backup bucket"

  type = "SecureString"
  value = jsonencode({
    B2_APPLICATION_KEY_ID = b2_application_key.backup_key.application_key_id
    B2_APPLICATION_KEY    = b2_application_key.backup_key.application_key

  tags = local.common_tags
  1. Edit providers.tf and add the Backblaze B2 provider:


terraform {
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 3.0"
    random = {
      source  = "hashicorp/random"
      version = "~> 3.0"
    okta = {
      source  = "okta/okta"
      version = "~> 3.10"
    b2 = {
      source  = "Backblaze/b2"
      version = "0.8.0"
  required_version = ">= 0.13.3"

provider "aws" {
  region = "us-east-2"

  assume_role {
    role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::717166192878:role/BuildkiteTerraformRole"

provider "aws" {
  alias  = "infrastructure"
  region = "us-east-2"

provider "okta" {}

provider "b2" {}

Pillar configurable values

This formula supports 2 configurable values in pillar data that modify arguments passed to the b2 sync commands:

  • keep_days: Specifying --keepDays will delete any older versions more than the given number of days old, based on the modification time of the file. This option is not available when the destination is a local folder. Not specifying a value in the pillar will make it default to 1.

  • threads: The number of threads for syncing, downloading, and uploading. Not specifying a value in the pillar will make it default to 4.

Example Pillar Configuration:

  keep_days: 90
  threads: 10