Demo project for Spring Boot API to find Nearest Parking Lot using Spring Data JPA

Using maven to Run the System

cd forvy-app

to clear any compiled files you have, making sure that you're really compiling each module from scratch you can execute:

mvn clean install

to run:

mvn spring-boot:run


To update data simply access POST endpoint: /carparks/updateData. Warning: request might be taking long time depending on your file data and external API responses.

Otherwise you can filter on GET endpoint: /carparks/nearest?latitude=1.37326&longitude=103.897&page=1&per_page=3

Using docker to Run the System

We can easily run the whole with only a single command:

docker compose up

Docker will pull the MySQL and Spring Boot images (if our machine does not have it before).

The services can be run on the background with command:

docker compose up -d

Using docker to Stop the System

Stopping all the running containers is also simple with a single command:

docker compose down

If you need to stop and remove all containers, networks, and all images used by any service in docker-compose.yml file, use the command:

docker compose down --rmi all