
Scripts and instructions on how to integrate Forward and NetBox for Asset Inventory sync

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Forward Enterprise and NetBox

Forward Enterprise

Forward Networks’ flagship product, Forward Enterprise, provides a vendor-agnostic network digital twin of the network.

This software platform generates a virtual replica, commonly known as a digital twin, encompassing your entire network, including all its devices, connections, and configurations, both on-premises and in the cloud.

The platform enables you to:

  • Proactively identify and resolve issues: By continuously analyzing the digital twin, Forward Enterprise can pinpoint configuration errors, security vulnerabilities, and potential problems before they cause outages or breaches.
  • Gain deeper network visibility:: The digital twin provides a holistic view of your network, spanning from on-premises data centers to multi-cloud environments. This allows you to understand how everything is interconnected and how changes in one area might impact another.
  • Simplify network operations: Forward Enterprise automates many manual tasks, such as change verification and troubleshooting, making it easier and faster for your IT team to manage the network.
  • Enhance security posture: The platform helps you to identify and prioritize security vulnerabilities, track attack surfaces, and validate the effectiveness of your security controls.


NetBox is a network documentation and Infrastructure Resource Modeling (IRM) tool designed specifically for network engineers and operators. It combines the functionalities of IP Address Management (IPAM) and Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) into a single platform, providing a centralized source of truth for your network.

Here are some key things to know about NetBox:

NetBox allows you to:

  • IP address management: Track and manage available IP addresses, subnets, and VLANs.
  • DCIM: Document your network infrastructure, including racks, devices, cables, power distribution, and virtual machines.

Better Together

The integration between Forward Enterprise and NetBox enables you to:

  • Onboard your NetBox instance by importing data discovered and collected by Forward Enterprise from your network utilizing a provided Python script. You can start from an empty NetBox instance and export Forward Locations, Vendors, Device Types, Models, Devices, and Interfaces into your NetBox DCIM.

  • Import device data such as Roles, Tenants, and Racks, not collected by Forward, from NetBox and display it in Forward Enterprise.

Onboard a NetBox instance with Forward Data

Data collected from the network by the Forward platform can be exported into NetBox using the Python script provided in this repository and Forward NQE queries published in the Forward NQE Library.

All you need to do is provide URLs and authentication information for your Forward and NetBox instances and run the export_to_netbox.py script.

The script performs the following actions:

Python Script Execution Steps

  1. Retrieves Forward Locations, Vendors, Device Types, Device Models, Devices and Interfaces using Forward NQE REST APIs
  2. Gathers information such as Sites, Manufactures, Device Types, Device Roles, Interface types, etc. from NetBox via REST APIs
  3. Translates the data from Forward into the NetBox schema. For example, a Forward Location name is translated into the corresponding NetBox Site ID
  4. Pushes all the data into NetBox via NetBox REST APIs

The table below shows how data in Forward is mapped to NetBox

Forward NetBox
Locations Sites
Vendors Manufacturers
Device Types Device Roles
Device Models Device Types
Devices Devices
Interfaces Interfaces

By default, all the data is exported into NetBox. You can customize what you want to export in the configuration.yaml property file. Refer to the Try it out section for more details.

The table below shows how data in Forward is mapped to NetBox


  1. NQE queries in Forward Enterprise: the Python script retrieves the data to be exported from Forward Enterprise via NQE Queries published in the Forward NQE Library. Refer to the NQE Queries section for more details.
  2. Configure necessary data in NetBox: In the initial release, we assumed all mandatory data required for adding devices and interfaces was already configured in NetBox. This includes, Sites, Device Types, and Device Roles. Starting with Forward Enterprise Release 24.4 and the latest script published in this repository, this is not a prerequisite anymore. You can start with an empty NetBox instance and let the script export all the data.
  3. A host with Python version 3.10 or later.

Try it out

  1. Clone the GitHub repository

    Clone the repository on a machine with Python version 3.10 and navigate to the repository root directory

$ git clone https://github.com/forwardnetworks/fwd-netbox
$ cd fwd-netbox
  1. Set up a local properties file

    Use the provided sample to create a local configuration.yaml property file

$ cp configuration.yaml.example configuration.yaml
  1. Edit the property file

    The only required data in the property file is:

    host: <fwd Enterprise URL>                      # For SaaS deployment set it to https://fwd.app
    authentication: Basic <basic auth b64enc here>  # For details, refer to https://fwd.app/api-doc#authentication
    network_id: <Network id>                        # You can find the network_id in the Forward UI URL
                                                    # (e.g. https://fwd.app/?/search?networkId=170256)

    host: <NetBox instance URL>
    # For details about NetBox API Tokens, refer to https://demo.netbox.dev/static/docs/rest-api/authentication/#tokens
    authentication: Token <auth token here>

Optionally, modify the following flags to enable debugging or to disable export of some data


debug: False  # Set this to True or False based on your needs

# By default, Forward adds and updates devices, adds interfaces, device types, sites, etc. to NetBox.
# Set the following flags to False if you do not want Forward to add or update them
add_sites: True            # Forward Locations
add_manufacturers: True    # Forward Vendors
add_device_roles: True     # Forward Device Types
add_device_types: True     # Forward Models
add_devices: True          # Forward Devices
add_interfaces: True       # Forward Interfaces
  1. Run the script

    Run the export_to_netbox.py Python script

$ python3 export_to_netbox.py

Following is an exapple of the script output:

$ python3 export_to_netbox.py
INFO:root:========> Updating NetBox Sites...
INFO:root:7  NetBox site[s] updated
INFO:root:San Jose
INFO:root:New York City
INFO:root:========> Updating NetBox Manufacturers...
INFO:root:========> 2 manufacturer[s] added to NetBox
INFO:root:========> Updating NetBox Device Roles...
INFO:root:========> 3 device roles[s] added to NetBox
INFO:root:========> Updating NetBox Device Types...
INFO:root:========> 3 device types[s] added to NetBox
INFO:root:========> Updating NetBox Devices...
INFO:root:========> 6 device[s] added to NetBox
INFO:root:========> Updating NetBox Interfaces...
INFO:root:========> 80 interface[s] added to NetBox
  1. Verify in NetBox

    Log in to your NetBox instance and verify if the devices and interfaces are successfully imported.

    In the screenshot below, you can find an example of imported devices and their interfaces: Imported Devices Imported Interfaces

    If you encounter any issues, set the debug to True in the property file and run it again.

The process can be fully automated by creating a webhook in Forward Enterprise so that the export will run every time Forward Enterprise collects data from the network, ensuring an always accurate inventory in NetBox.

How to customize the integration

The NQE queries published in the Forward Library provide an API response with the same JSON structure as the payload in the NetBox API, which is used to create or update devices and interfaces.

The Python script takes care of the data transformation logic.

For instance, the figure below shows how the script transforms the Forward device type string WS-4500X-16 into a NetBox 77 ID. It also shows which NetBox APIs are used to map the data between Forward and NetBox.

If you want to customize any of the data exports you need to:

  1. Create and commit a new version of the related NQE query. Take note of the NQE query ID. You can find the ID by clicking on the Info icon NQE Query ID
  2. Update the NQE queries ID[s] in the configuration.yaml file
  3. Update the Python scripts based on your new logic

Data Transformation

The transformation logics are implemented in the add_device_list and the add_interface_list functions in the netbox_interface.py file.

Import data from NetBox to Forward Enterprise


  1. NQE query in Forward Enterprise: Refer to the NQE Queries section for details.
  2. Create a NetBox Device Decorator: Create a NetBox Device Decorator in Forward Enterprise using the NQE query mentioned above

Try it out

Search for any device and verify the presence of the NetBox Devices decorator in the device card, as in the example below:

NetBox Device Decorator

NQE Queries

Starting with Forward Enterprise version 24.2, the NQE queries needed for exporting device and interfaces from Forward Enterprise and importing devices from NetBox are published in the Forward Library under the /Forward Library/External/NetBox/Forward Devices folder. In Forward Enterprise release 24.4 we have added NQE queries for exporting Forward Locations, Vendors, Device Types, Device Models, Devices and Interfaces as well.

The NQE Queries are reported in nthe NQE Queries folder for your reference.

The IDs of the NQE queries published in the Forward Library are already reported in the configuration.yaml.example file.

If you would like to customize the integration using a different NQE query, you will need to create the new NQE queries, commit them in Forward Enterprise, take note of the NQE query IDs, and update the IDs in the configuration. yaml file. Refer to the How to customize the integration section for details.

Provide Feedback and Contributions

If you're interested in contributing to this integration or have any feedback, please let us know at https://community.forwardnetworks.com/ or feel free to fork the repository and create a pull request (PR) with your changes.

Main contributors: