
Weather App collects information from weather services and provides averaged values for temperature, pressure, humidity, wind direction and speed. The app takes arguments like date, city, coordinates and saves the results to the database. Technology used: Java, H2 Database, Hibernate.

Primary LanguageJava


WeatherApp is a Java Command Line Application for checking weather forecast in any location of given day. App obtains forecasts from two weather APIs then response with averaged parameters values. It uses h2 data base to store active forecasts in order to reuse them without api calls.


Weather APIs using:

    OpenWeather API,
    Weatherbit API.


App runs with parameters below:

    --city, --c [location given by city name],
    --latitude, --lat [location given by latitude coordinate],
    --longitude, --lon [location given by longitude coordinate],
    --date, --d [forecast date in format yyyy-mm-dd] (optional),
Location must be given at least by city name or coordinates, if both are given then app is using city parameter. In case when date isn't given, app responses with forecast for tomorrow.


App responses with parameters below:

    forecast date,
    temperature (Celsius degree),
    pressure (hPa) date,
    humidity (%) date,
    wind speed (m/s),
    wind degree (degree).