
Primary LanguageJava



Jan 28th Summary of Project and Project names to be submitted on blackboard.

Feb 14th Github link due

#Built as a Maven Project, Import as such

#guide on how to compile the program

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED NET BEANS ZIP GUIDE on compiling if operating system is windows os or mac os.

using net beans download the repository as a .zip extension

open netbeans and navigate to file on the toolbar select import project from zip

select adventuresimulator.java as the main class

compile the program

General Compilation semi-guide not recommended #clone or download the repository or sub-folder named "SoftwareOOP" #using a IDE or compiler please install java fx version: 8 or above if it is not installed with the packaged IDE note java fx is not pre-packaged on some linux IDE's and requires a seperate installation if an error occurs where the program cannot find java fx. #import the project as a maven type #compile the project