
Simple isomorphic routing library.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


rote is a simple routing library for the browser and the server.

license - MIT Dependencies

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With NPM

npm install rote

From source

git clone https://github.com/foss-haas/rote.git
cd rote
npm install
npm run dist

With component

component install foss-haas/rote

Learn more about component.

With bower

bower install rote

Learn more about bower.

With a CommonJS module loader

Download the latest minified CommonJS release and add it to your project.

Learn more about CommonJS modules.

With an AMD module loader

Download the latest minified AMD release and add it to your project.

Learn more about AMD modules.

As a standalone browser bundle

Download the latest minified standalone release and add it to your project.

<script src="/your/js/path/rote.globals.min.js"></script>

This makes the rote module available in the global namespace.

Usage example

var router = require('rote')();

router.add('/:foo/:bar', views.fooBar, 'foo.bar');
var path = router.reverse('foo.bar', {foo: 'lorem', bar: 'ipsum'});
// => "/lorem/ipsum"
router.add('/:foo/:qux', views.fooQux);
var route = router.resolve('/hello/world'); // or: router('/hello/world');
/* => {
    "fn": views.fooBar,
    "name": "foo.bar",
    "params": {
        "foo": "hello",
        "bar": "world"
    splat: null,
    next: function () {...}
} */
route = route.next();
/* => {
    "fn": views.fooQux,
    "name": null,
    "params": {
        "foo": "hello",
        "qux": "world"
    splat: null,
    next: function () {...}
} */
route = route.next();
// => null



Creates a new router.

If trailingSlashes is set to true, the router will respect trailing slashes when resolving or reversing routes. Otherwise they will be stripped.

router.add(path, fn[, name]):self

Adds a route for the given path to the router's routing map.

If name is not empty, the route can also be reversed. If a route with the given name has already been added to the router, an error will be thrown instead.

The path is expected to consist of zero or more parts delimited by slashes.

Redundant slashes will be ignored (e.g. /foo//bar becomes /foo/bar). If the router does not respect trailing slashes, any trailing slashes will also be ignored (e.g. /foo/ becomes /foo).

Parts starting with a colon (e.g. /:foo) will be treated as parameter names and match any non-empty string that does not contain a slash.

Parts consisting of a single asterisk (i.e. /*) will be treated as wildcards and match any non-empty string, including slashes. Wildcards must always occur at the end of the path and can not be followed by another part or trailing slash. Wildcards do not match the empty string.

Any other part will be interpreted literally.

This method is chainable (i.e. it returns the router it was called on).

router.reverse(name[, params[, splat]]):String

Reverses the route with the given name using the given params and splat.

This method returns the path that would match the given route with the given parameters and wildcard.

If no route with the given name exists, null will be returned instead.

If the route takes parameters and params is not set or missing any of the expected parameters, an error will be thrown.

If the route takes a wildcard and splat is not set or empty, an error will be thrown.


Resolves the given path to a known route.

If the path does not match any known route, null will be returned instead.

Otherwise an object with the following properties will be returned:

  • fn: the matching function registered for this route.
  • name: the name the route was registered with.
  • params: an object mapping any parameters to their values.
  • splat: the value of the route's wildcard or null.
  • next: a function that will return the next matching route for the path or null.


The MIT/Expat license. For more information, see http://foss-haas.mit-license.org/ or the accompanying LICENSE file.