
foss for microsoft windows

Primary LanguagePython


Nirvikalpa(निर्विकल्प) is a collection of Free/Open Source software for home and business users using the Microsoft Windows® XP, Vista, Windows 7. http://nirvikalpa.fossnepal.org

Adding new application

There are two methods, Method 1 and Method 2. Method 1 is accurate but quite boring. Method 2 may not be that accurate compared to Method 1 but is easier and will complete the task faster. :)

##Method 1:##

STEP 1️⃣

To add new application copy the directory called SAMPLE and rename appropriately.

The directory hierarchy structure

└ detail.wiki
	├ images
	│   └ sample.png
	└ meta

STEP 2️⃣

Add this application under suitable category in index file.

##Method 2:## This is a quick and dirty way to perform the task faster. There is a script apphelper.sh inside the scripts folder. These instruction seems to be lengthy at first, but after first cycle you will find it helpful and easier. Run the script.

  1. It will ask for your name, give the name

  2. It will ask how many folders you want to create, i.e, the new application folders you want to work on. Give the numbers.

  3. It will ask for name of folder no.1, Give the name with at least the first letter in uppercase. eg: Firefox and not firefox

  4. It will now ask for name of Application, Give the name. eg: Firefox, GIMP, VLC, SuperTux etc according to your current work.

  5. It will ask for version number of application, give the version number in numeric.

  6. Now write short description about the application. For sample, check the detail.wiki.sample file inside the folder.

  7. Place an image file inside images directory and give the name of the image file when prompted.

  8. Write some features of the application, again consult detail.wiki.sample if you have any confusions.

  9. Add some related links with this application. It may include reviews done by people, or comparisions, or some other stuffs like that. (Please put at least one link)

  10. Give the URL to homepage of the application

  11. Give the Download URL for the application. Remember it is the most important part. It should be direct download link. Direct download link = link that will download the required file once opened.

  12. Give the name of the file that will be downloaded

  13. Give linux name of the application, same in most of the cases.

  14. Add this application under suitable category in index

  15. Completed. Now Now, was that hard?? :)