
Populate ICSP header

bessman opened this issue · 8 comments

Problem Description

On the latest prototype, the ICSP header (which is used to flash the device with a hardware programmer) is unpopulated. While this header is not commonly used, populating the header makes it easier to e.g. replace the bootloader if necessary.

As an aside, the pin order is also reversed relative to the previous prototype. What is the reason for that?

The ICSP header is populated, but it could be that it was not soldered on the board. We will make a production note that the pins get soldered onto the device as well.

@CloudyPadmal Could you tell us, please why the pin order is reversed relative to the previous prototype? What is the reason for that?

Is it compared to V4 where we have ICSP headers parallel to the board's lengthwise edge?

Compared to the first V6 prototype. I think it also had the ICSP header perpendicular to the board's lengthwise edge, but the pin order was reversed.

I don't have the boards in front of me right now, and looking through the git history I can't actually find a point where the order was reversed. It's possible I'm mistaken. I will check tonight.

edabd6f changes the orientation of the header. The pin order is the same then as it is now, so I guess I'm mistaken. Will double check with the actual board later.

No, on the previous prototype the header is still parallel with the lengthwise edge. I don't know why I thought the order was reversed 🤔 Forget it.

Keeping this issue open for now to make sure we remember to have the header soldered on the production boards.

Is ICSP headers soldered on PSLab v5? If yes, was it male or female?

It was not soldered on the v5. Male is preferable if it's soldered on the v6.