
Susi AI Artwork http://susi.ai

SUSI.AI Artwork

SUSI stands for Super User Support Intelligence.

This repository contains media, images, video and any artwork for the susi AI project.

alt text


The SUSI.AI logo uses the blue color

RGB: 66, 133, 244 CMYK: 73, 45, 0, 4 HEX: #4285f4 Websafe: #3399ff

Compare color details: http://html-color.org/4285F4

Required Media for Android App


JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha) Minimum dimension: 320px Maximum dimension: 3840px

High-res icon

Requirements 32-bit PNG (with alpha) Dimensions: 512px by 512px Maximum file size: 1024KB

Feature Graphic

Requirements JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha) Dimensions: 1024px by 500px

Promo Graphic

Requirements JPG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha) Dimensions: 180px by 120px

Banner Asset

Requirements JPEG or 24-bit PNG (no alpha) Dimensions: 1280px by 720px

Promo Video

Make sure to use an individual video's YouTube URL, not a YouTube playlist or channel URL. Don't use an age-restricted video as your app's promo video. Use the full YouTube video link instead of a shortened link.