
scraper and sql populator for data studio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BALICOVID SCRAPER - an Open Source initive by GetCraft.com

See it here: https://bit.ly/bali-covid-tracker


Clone the repository. Install the dependencies as usual:

npm install

Also, create a file called '.env' in the root directory of the project. This needs to contain the login info for your database

export DB_HOST=[address of your CloudSQL database]
export DB_USER=[postgres username]
export DB_PASS=[password for database user]
export DB_NAME=[name of the database]
export DB_PORT=[port of the database]

then run `source .env` to add those environment variables to your environment - you can run `printenv` to validate they are now part of the runtime environment 


node .

put on a cron job run daily at 12:01 bali time

Database Structure

These are the tables used by the tool. In general, rows will be queried by the URL of the audit, and the time the report was fetched (fetch_time).


Fill this one on crawl, if this one exists for the date, we dont crawl again

  1. id - SERIAL PRIMARY KEY - For unique identification
  2. url - VARCHAR(2048) - The URL of the report
  3. fetch_date - date - The fetch_time of the report where this request originated
  4. report - json - The raw JSON of the report


  1. id - SERIAL PRIMARY KEY - For unique identification
  2. date - date - the date of the data
  3. location - the location we're cralwing for
  4. type - the type of data - new cases, recovered, etc
  5. count - the number of new cases, recovered, etc

Creating a data studio data source

I create a mysql source with the following query to create a data studio data source

select date, location, count, type as original,
		WHEN type = 'lainnya' THEN "other"
        WHEN type = 'meninggal' THEN "dead"
        WHEN type = 'pp' THEN "pp" #?????
        WHEN type = 'otg' THEN "Possible, no symptoms"
        WHEN type = 'odp' THEN "Suspected Outpatient"
        WHEN type = 'pdp' THEN "Under Isolation"
        WHEN type = 'sembuh' THEN "Recovered"
        WHEN type = 'positif' THEN "Total Positive"
        WHEN type = 'positif_luar' THEN "Infected via International Traveler"
        WHEN type = 'positif_lokal' THEN "Infected via Local Transmission"
        WHEN type = 'positif_dalam' THEN "Infected via Domestic Traveler"
        WHEN type = 'positif_lainnya' THEN "Infected via Other Source"
END as type
from regency_data 
where location like "Total"
order by date desc;