FotoVerifier: An Image Verification Tool-Suite

This is official reporitory for the FotoVerifier. The tool suite contains multiple tools for analyzing digital photos for evidence of tampering or manipulation. The tool is designed to help users detect and verify the authenticity of photos by analyzing various image properties, such as metadata, file format, and pixel values.

Repository structure

+--Dedigi		    An online platform for digital image forensics.     
+--FotoVerifier 	A training system for digital image forensics.       
+--NameSlueth		An online tool for uploaded image's filename analysis.	
+--cli        		A collection of python scripts for image forensics.
+--DivNoise             An online tool for camera model identification

Pubic Platform



By default, port assignment for each service is:

  • Dedigi: 3000
  • FotoVerifier: 3001
  • NameSleuth: 3002
  • DivNoise: 3003
  • DivNoise Demo: 3004

Please make sure that these ports are not occupied before starting deployment.

Nginx configuration

There will be an Nginx served before these 4 services as a reverse-proxy server. It will then redirect the request to a correct service based on the host.

Copy the nginx.conf file to /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and run service nginx start to start the service

SSL configuration Without the correct SSL certificate, Nginx won't run properly. We are using certbot's certificate in the current deployment. To host one for your own. You need to

  1. comment out all commands relating to https and ssl.
  2. run nginx to make sure it works properly on port 80.
  3. issue an ssl certificate from certbot.
  4. replace the certificate path, uncomment ssl and https commands.
  5. restart nginx to check if the website is working properly on https.


We used pm2 to effortlessly deploy a node server. Simply:

  1. Install pm2: npm i -g pm2, sudo if needed
  2. Install deps: npm ci
  3. Deploy with pm2: pm2 start npm -- start (this should bind to localhost:3000 by default)


Run docker-compose up --build -d to build the project and run on localhost:3001


Run the bash script to build the project and run on localhost:3002


Run docker build -t divnoise . to build the docker image. Then for running the container docker run -d -p 3004:3004 --name divnoise divnoise.



The project has been funded by NORDIS, European Horizon 2020 grant number 825469 and Intelligent Information Systems (I2S) research group, University of Bergen, Norway.


You can contact us at: