Tools needed

  1. download and install minikube from

Machine Preparation

You will need to edit the local DNS resolver. On Linux / MacOS it's straight forward, you will have to figure it out on your own on Windows

  1. run minikube ip
  2. copy/paste the IP address you get.
  3. edit /etc/hosts like so: sudo nano /etc/hosts
  4. add an entry at the end of /etc/hosts api.k8s.local
    • if you are on a mac m1, then add api.k8s.local
  5. make sure to use the correct IP address
  6. save and exit
  7. run minikube addons enable ingress

Running the backend locally

  1. run minikube start in case minikube is not already running
    • if you are on a mac m1, then in a new tab run minikube tunnel
  2. go to the location where you cloned the k8s-tutorial repository
  3. apply all yaml files under aggregator/deployment/kubernetes, movies/deployment/kubernetes , weather/deployment/kubernetes and k8s/ingress.yaml using for example kubectl apply -f k8s/ingress.yaml
  4. once the build has completed open your browser and go to http://api.k8s.local/aggregator/all