UN1Q Technical Task

Laravel 10 PHP 8.1

This repository contains the implementation of a Calendar Event Management System based on the provided technical assessment. The system allows users to add, update, list, and delete events using REST APIs. The design follows Domain Driven Design (DDD) principles and is inspired by the work of Orphail and MohammadMehrabani in this repository.

Table of Contents

Technical Details
Available Endpoints
Features Implemented


The Calendar Event Management System is a RESTful API application that allows users to manage calendar events. Users can create, update, list, and delete events. The system supports recurring events and validates against event overlaps. No authentication or authorization is required for accessing the APIs.


To run the Calendar Event Management System locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository git clone <repository-url>
  2. Navigate to the project directory cd UN1Q-Technical-Task
  3. composer install
  4. cp .env.example .env
  5. php artisan key:generate
  6. Set database connection in the .env variables that start with DB_* and run php artisan migrate
  7. php artisan test

Technical Details

Structure particularities
What's inside each layer?

Available Endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST /api/events/new Create a new event
PUT /api/events/{id} Update an existing event
GET /api/events List events, allowing filtering by date-time range
DELETE /api/events/{id} Delete an event

Features Implemented

  • Create new events, supporting recurring patterns.
  • Update individual event instances.
  • List events within a specific date-time range.
  • Delete individual event instances.


  • Events are limited to a single day (no multi-day events).
  • Recurring events generate occurrences within the specified time range.
  • Recurring patterns include daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly.
  • All events can be updated and deleted regardless of past or future dates.

Please refer to the code for more detailed information on the implementation. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.