
A powershell script to change the Equalizer APO settings per headphone

Primary LanguagePowerShell

What is EQSwapper?

EQ Swapper uses Equalizer APO to equalize all audio output by Windows. Equalizer APO is required for this. You can either manually change the equalizer settings via the GUI, but I am to lazy.

#Usage Jaakkopasanen AutoEQ made a list of headphones

Download the Equalizer file for your headphones

Choose the ParametricEQ.TXT For Example jaakkopasanen

Save the EQ file

Save the ParametricEQ.TXT file to "C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\headphones" 1

When swapping headphones

Run the executable and select the currently connected headphones


to build an exe

simply copy paste EQSwapper.ps1 and CreateForm.ps1 in 1 file: combined.ps1

run PS2EXE to create an EXE

Invoke-PS2EXE .\combined.ps1 .\EQSwapper.exe


  1. This path can be changed in the script line 3: $headphonesPath = "C:\Program Files\EqualizerAPO\config\headphones\"