- 1
Foundation + Panini Rescue Request
#284 opened by December08th - 3
- 2
Typo "occured" in render.js error message
#240 opened by MikeMcC399 - 8
- 0
Error when loading *.js as a Handlebars helper.
#239 opened by nirmalgs910 - 0
- 4
pageLayouts for multiple folders inside folder
#210 opened by babarogic - 0
I want the data belonging to the block to lie side by side. Can I achieve this?
#225 opened by TolyanDimov - 4
#201 opened by turneja - 10
- 4
- 4
Marked helpers crashing in 1.7.0
#220 opened by khawkins98 - 2
Exclude .js files from Panini’s data processing?
#218 opened by Lohdro - 9
Generate pages on the fly from data
#159 opened by dagostinelli - 4
- 1
- 4
Partials remove leading whitespace in partial
#182 opened by apatrida - 2
Having trouble with standalone Panini directions: CLI says 'command not found'
#172 opened by aalokt89 - 2
Panini depends on vulnerable version of Handlebars?
#204 opened by lukos - 4
Multilingual support?
#180 opened by ourstudio-erikblomqvist - 1
Gulp 4.0 setup for panini
#185 opened by muhamed91 - 1
Manage dependencies automatically
#176 opened by diomed - 4
Outdated plugins reported with `npm audit`
#186 opened by Vlasterx - 1
Future of the project
#193 opened - 0
using in $hero-full-screen-bg: url('{{root}}/assets/img') center center no-repeat; fails
#195 opened by instructian - 2
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Never get done deploying
#181 opened by ulfsv - 2
- 0
a solution to sort pages via specific sort order
#177 opened by mpalpha - 8
Panini standalone setup
#160 opened by sensaetions - 1
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Markdown parser acting funky with raw html
#175 opened by EtanTheTartan - 2
- 1
Pages with file extensions other than .html cause {{page}} to return the extension
#173 opened by nwittwer - 1
Absolute path for options
#164 opened by mou01 - 11
No way to refresh panini cache [v2.0]
#143 opened by XAMelleOH - 2
modifying render() to prevent recursion?
#163 opened by mmilano - 6
Front matter equal sign gets converted to entity
#162 opened by jkd77 - 2
- 2
Comments, ideas on v2.0
#154 opened by khawkins98 - 0
Static asset copying
#156 opened by gakimball - 0
Simplify how site data is passed to pages
#155 opened by gakimball - 5
Razor .cshtml support
#150 opened by ukozdan - 4
- 1
Custom data on partials
#147 opened by ejpg - 1
What's the equivalent of panini.refresh() in v2.0?
#151 opened by lipis - 0
Inconsistencies in helpers
#148 opened by gormus - 0
Recover from Syntax Error: Error: Missing helper:
#145 opened by halfnibble - 2
Handlebars noEscape for Panini
#144 opened by GBratsos - 4