restart mongodb

sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart mongodb

install/restart ssl certificates

  1. Login into your server using putty
  2. Stop the Ec2
  3. Run command : sudo /opt/bitnami/bncert-tool
  4. Enter details
    1. Domain details will be :,
    2. Email used for ssl :
    3. At the end it will show some partial errors, but that does not impact the update. SSL must have updated and you can verify it.

reboot ec2

  1. Go to AWS-EC2 console
  2. STOP : Select Instance State > Stop Intance from the right hand top dropdown.
  3. START : Once the instance is stopped then Select Instance State > Stop Intance from the right hand top dropdown.

restarting apache

While restarting apache if you encounter issues related to port 80 not avaialable then follow the following steps:

  • sudo pkill -f nginx
  • sudo pkill -f apache
  • sudo /opt/bitnami/ start apache

deleting course

  • cd /home/bitnami/alcore.infra/scripts/cloud
  • sh
  • pass the course id