GitHub activity viewer

A simple little display of Github activity.

  1. Open in GitHub Pages
  2. Enter a GitHub personal access token
  3. To add your deets, edit users in users.json
  4. To change the start date, edit from in users.json
  5. to add a new group, add a new json file and update script.js


Perhaps in the classroom as a collaborative starter project for meetup participants.

Possible tasks:

  • create a personal access token to view the results;
  • add your username to the appropriate json file via a PR;
  • Create new folders with your own version of the index page, js and css;
  • Play with chart.js to create alternative views of the data.

Please note: storing access tokens in localStorage is not great from a security point of view, but it saves having to create backend code to access a remote API.

Also, to stop new users creating havoc, merges into main require a review.

This is really just a bit of a hack.