
Vue.js filter for formatting numbers

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Vue.js filter for formatting numbers

This is a simple wrapper for Numeral.js.

Numeral.js 2 required

This package requires you to install Numeral.js as a peer dependency (numeral@^2). This way, you can use a different version of Numeral, or even a drop-in replacement with the same API. Use version 1 of this package if you want it to install its own Numeral.js dependency as part of the bundle.

Suggested usage

Pass in Numeral to create the formatter function, and register globally as a Vue filter in your main.js-ish file:

import numeral from 'numeral';
import numFormat from 'vue-filter-number-format';

Vue.filter('numFormat', numFormat(numeral));

// new Vue ...

Use anywhere in your .vue files:

// default format is '0,0'
{{ 69696969 | numFormat }} -> "69,696,969"

// use a custom format string
{{ 420 | numFormat('0.000') }} -> "420.000"
{{ 666 | numFormat('0,0o') }} -> "666th"

See the Numeral.js docs for other formatting options.
