Work continuing on past the SC '13 paper

Primary LanguageJava


This code was used for the experimental portion of the SC '13 paper: http://sc13.supercomputing.org/schedule/event_detail.php?evid=pap313

We're working on a more feature complete version of this code that should be posted shortly (Oct 2013). Keep an eye on the sc13_experiments_improved branch for that work.


These instructions worked on Ubuntu 12.04. YMMV.

I tend to put the export commands into my .bashrc file so that they're persistent.

The hadoop_conf_files directory contains the configuration files I use to run SIDR on a single-node setup.

  1. sudo apt-get install ant-contrib build-essential git maven python-software-properties autoconf libtool
    • export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/share/java/ant-contrib.jar
  2. install java 7 (we use oracle’s, you can try openjdk if you want) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java;
    sudo apt-get update;
    sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-installer;
    • export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
  3. Create a directory to build the code in:
    mkdir git
    cd git
    git init
  4. Get our patched version of NetCDF:
    git clone https://github.com/four2five/thredds.git
    cd thredds
    git checkout buck_sc13_4.3.18
    • set Maven’s memory limit higher than the default ( the next step fails on my host if I don’t do this):
    • export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m"
      mvn install
      The jar you need is in thredds/cdm/target and should be named netcdf-4.3.18.jar
    • export NETCDF_HOME=/home/buck/git/thredds
    • export NETCDF_JAR=netcdf-4.3.18.jar
  5. get our patched version of Hadoop (only necessary for the early results work) cd ../
    git clone https://github.com/four2five/hadoop-common.git
    cd hadoop-common
    git checkout buck_early_results_sc13
    ant mvn-install examples
  6. get the SIDR code (updated version of our SciHadoop code) cd ../
    git clone https://github.com/four2five/SIDR.git
    cd SIDR
    git checkout sc13_experiments
    ant netcdf_hdfs jar
    • export SCIHADOOP_HOME=/home/buck/git/SIDR
    • export SCIHADOOP_JAR=SIDR.jar
  7. generate test data
    cd tools
    ant jar
    ant run
    hadoop dfs -mkdir netcdf_input
    hadoop dfs -put ./<generated filename> netcdf_input/file1.nc
  8. run a jobList
    cd ..