
Project to create a personal AI API interface and explore Django & React.

Primary LanguageTypeScript



  • Explore Generative AI models and test Copilot
  • Explore common frontend and backend frameworks and understand production architecture options
  • Create a base for future fullstack projects



Tech Stack

  • Backend: Django with Gunicorn
  • Frontend: React (Mantine Components) + Vite
  • Infra: Nginx + Docker
  • AI Models: GPT-3-Turbo and GPT4o. Will test other models in a subsequent update

Running the app

  • On dev

    • run Vite using npm run dev (port 5173)
    • run Django using gunicorn -k gthread --bind localhost:8000 djangopod.wsgi
    • run Nginx using brew services start nginx / sudo nginx -s reload
      • uses the local Nginx config (/opt/homebrew/etc/nginx)
  • On prod

    • run docker-compose up --build
      • Reads docker-compose, and then runs:
      • Backend Dockerfile: 3.11-alpine, adds envs, collects static, exposes port 8000 using Gunicorn. Not running nginx yet.
      • Frontend Dockerfile: npm run build and then launches nginx using nginx.conf on frontend. Exposes port 3000. Proxy set up: when /api/ is hit on the frontend, redirects to the backend Docker service
      • Nginx service: Can be accessed at 8080. Not really necessary right now since we don't need to load balance or anything yet. Consider: rate limiting, SSL/TLS termination, other security controls

Archived readme: Mantine / Vite Specific Features

This frontend template comes with the following features:

npm build and dev scripts

  • dev – start development server
  • build – build production version of the app
  • preview – locally preview production build

Testing scripts

  • typecheck – checks TypeScript types
  • lint – runs ESLint
  • prettier:check – checks files with Prettier
  • vitest – runs vitest tests
  • vitest:watch – starts vitest watch
  • test – runs vitest, prettier:check, lint and typecheck scripts

Other scripts

  • storybook – starts storybook dev server
  • storybook:build – build production storybook bundle to storybook-static
  • prettier:write – formats all files with Prettier