Solutions For Club On Rust

A github repo that holds the solutions made by Francisco Lima or Fourglobe in rust as a member of Clube de Programação Competitiva FCUL


  • 3n + 1 - UV100 problem where if n is even $n = n/2$ and if n is odd $n = 3n+1$, and the cycle length of the starter number is how many iterations it takes for n to reach 0, it is supposed that any n will eventually reach 0 but it is not provem yet, even though it is proven that any n less than $2^{68} ≈ 2.95×1020$.

  • Minesweeper - UV10189 is a problem where given a field of $N×M$ with '$.$' as safe spaces and '$*$' as mines returns a populated field with the mine count of each cell.

  • Making Change - UV166 is a problem where given a restricted amount of coins, return the minimum amount of coins exchanged.

  • Station Balance - UV410 is a problem where given a number of chambers and weights place them in a way that the diference between the sum of the values in each chamber and the average weight on all chambers is minimal.

  • The Dragon of Loowater - UV11292 is a problem where given a amount of heads and knight and their diameters and heights, calculate if the dragon can be killed and when it can how many gold coins it's going to cost.

Installation and usage:

With Rust:

  • Have Rust installed on your machine, if you do not have follow the guide on rust home page
  • Clone the repo
git clone
  • run
cargo run --list

to get all solutions and then

cargo run <problem 1> <problem 2> ...

and it will run all solutions listed on the arguments in order

Without Rust:

  • Install the solutions with your preferred method from the releases

  • On a command line run

solutions.exe --list

to get all solutions and then

solutions.exe  <problem 1> <problem 2> ...

and it will run all solutions listed on the arguments in order