A github repo that holds the solutions made by Francisco Lima or Fourglobe in rust as a member of Clube de Programação Competitiva FCUL
3n + 1 - UV100 problem where if n is even
$n = n/2$ and if n is odd$n = 3n+1$ , and the cycle length of the starter number is how many iterations it takes for n to reach 0, it is supposed that any n will eventually reach 0 but it is not provem yet, even though it is proven that any n less than$2^{68} ≈ 2.95×1020$ . -
Minesweeper - UV10189 is a problem where given a field of
$N×M$ with '$.$ ' as safe spaces and '$*$ ' as mines returns a populated field with the mine count of each cell. -
Making Change - UV166 is a problem where given a restricted amount of coins, return the minimum amount of coins exchanged.
Station Balance - UV410 is a problem where given a number of chambers and weights place them in a way that the diference between the sum of the values in each chamber and the average weight on all chambers is minimal.
The Dragon of Loowater - UV11292 is a problem where given a amount of heads and knight and their diameters and heights, calculate if the dragon can be killed and when it can how many gold coins it's going to cost.
- Have Rust installed on your machine, if you do not have follow the guide on rust home page
- Clone the repo
git clone http://github.com/fourglobe302500/solutions.git
- run
cargo run --list
to get all solutions and then
cargo run <problem 1> <problem 2> ...
and it will run all solutions listed on the arguments in order
Install the solutions with your preferred method from the releases
On a command line run
solutions.exe --list
to get all solutions and then
solutions.exe <problem 1> <problem 2> ...
and it will run all solutions listed on the arguments in order