
This is the Computing 2 SQT brief and Repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Computing 2 Referred Assessment (Resit) Submission.

In this code repository is a module that can simulate a game of Tetris web-app/Tetris.js and a web app to play the game. web-app/index.html

The module and app will play a tetris game, but are missing some features that you might expect. (For comparison, see https://tetris.com/play-tetris)

This assignment will have you implement some additional features, which are targeted to the module assessment criteria.


  • Run npm install in the root directory to install server dependencies (ramda etc.)


You have been provided with an implementation of a tetris game. In this version, there is no scoring implemented and no acceleration of the game as lines are cleared.

Your task will be to implement a scoring system.

In Tetris, points are scored by dropping tetrominos, and clearing lines. For every ten lines that are cleared, the game advances a level, and the speed that tetrominos descend increases, as well as each line cleared scores more points.

We'll be looking at a simplified version of the Tetris Guidelines: https://tetris.wiki/Scoring.

Score Object

In Score.js, we define a module, Score, which will host methods to create and manipulate a score object.

Initially the Score type is just a number, and the function new_score will return a number, zero.

We will modify the type of the score, so that it is an object that holds both the score and the number of lines cleared. i.e.,

    "score": 0,
    "lines_cleared": 0
  1. Modify the new_score function so that instead of returning 0, it returns an object with "score" and "lines_cleared" properties as above.
  2. Update the jsdoc of the Score type definition @typedef {number} Score to indicate that an object is returned and list its properties.
  3. Modify the level function, to return what level you are on, based on an input Score object.
    • You start at level 1, and advance a level every 10 lines cleared.
  4. Add a jsdoc comment to level to describe what it does, what it's parameters are, and what it returns.


After you've done the above, you are going to want to display the current score to the user playing the game.

  1. Modify index.html, so that in the <aside> there is a template for,
    1. What the current score is
    2. How many lines have been cleared
    3. What the current level is.
  2. Modify main.js, so that the update_grid function reads the Score object on game.score and updates the html elements you've just added.

At this stage, it will always display a score of zero, zero lines cleared, and we're on level one. This is because we've not yet added any functionality to change the score.


We are going to implement the following ways to score,

  • Clearing lines
  • Dropping tetrominos

When clearing lines, you get more points for multiple lines cleared at once.

  • Single line – 100 points per level
  • Double lines – 300 points per level
  • Triple lines – 500 points per level
  • Tetris – four lines – 800 points per level
  • Back-to-back Tetris – Scoring a tetris if the previous line clear was also a tetris – 1200 points per level.

We are going to implement a way to record this.

  1. Define a new cleared_lines function in Score.js on the Score module.
  2. cleared_lines takes the number of lines and a Score object as parameter, and returns a new Score with additional lines cleared and the score updated.
  3. Update the definition of the Score type and the new_score object to log if the last line cleared was a tetris. Use this in cleared_lines to score back-to-back tetrises.

We need to update the score when we clear lines. In tetris.js in the Tetris.next_turn function, there is a call to clear filled lines,

const cleared_field = clear_lines(locked_field);

Right before this happens, we need to determine how many full lines are on the board and update the score accordingly.

  1. Study how the clear_lines function works. It rejects the filled lines in a field. We can use a similar approach with R.count and is_complete_line to count the number of lines
  2. Store in a variable the number of lines ready to be cleared, before we call clear_lines.
  3. Call Score.cleared_lines with that number to get a new score, and have that new Score object be returned in within the game object when the function returns.

Now when playing the game, the score and the level should update as you clear lines.

We also want the score to increase by 1 point on a soft-drop (when the tetromino descends faster - i.e. by pressing [down] on the keyboard). and the score to increase by 2 point on a hard-drop (when the tetromino drops as far as possible and immediately locks - i.e. by pressing [space] on the keyboard)

This is probably best acomplsihed by modifying the descend function in Tetris.js

  1. Add a function add_points to Score.js that adds a given number of points to a given score.
  2. Modify the descend function to take an numeric parameter, points, default value zero.
  3. Where it returns a new game state, return R.mergeRight(game, {"position": new_position}); with an updated position, update this to update the score with the given number of points.
  4. Update the call to descend in Tetris.soft_drop and Tetris.hard_drop to score 1 and 2 points every descent repsectively.


We want the game to get harder each level. Currently the game advances every 500 ms.

  1. In main.js in timer_function, update the time of the next turn to be 2500 / (level + 4). Where level is determined from running the level function on the score object on the game.
  2. This should get faster every level, play with the values for a good feel of the speed and acceleration.

Unit Tests

Our unit tests should reflect the rules of the features we've just added. Let's review them.

  • A new tetris game starts on level one with no lines cleared with a score of zero.
  • The score tracks the lines that get cleared.
  • A single line clear scores 100 × level
  • A double line clear scores 300 × level
  • A triple line clear scores 500 × level
  • A tetris scores 800 × level
  • Back to back tetrises score 1200 × level
  • A soft drop score 1 point per cell descended
  • A hard drop score 2 point per cell descended
  • Advancing the turn without manually dropping scores nothing.

These can be the top level descriptors of our tests.

  1. Read the implementations in tests/Score.test.js and implement the missing tests.

Submission Details

For this assessment, Fork this repository into your own GitHub. When you are complete send me an email with a link to your github repo.

Please submit before 16:00 on Friday 18th August 2023.

Please do get in contact with any questions.