
A recipe that contains modules, themes, and configuration for the Sous administration experience

MIT LicenseMIT

Sous Admin Drupal Recipe

A recipe that contains modules, themes, and configuration for the Sous administration experience.

Configuring Drupal for Recipes

See https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2023-10-01/Configuring%20Drupal%20to%20Apply%20Recipes.md

Installing this Recipe

composer require sous-starter/sous-admin

Applying this Recipe

If you used the Sous Project as your starterkit:

  • lando install-recipe sous-admin

Manually applying the recipe to your own project: From your webroot run:

  • php core/scripts/drupal recipe recipes/sous-admin
  • drush cr
  • composer unpack fourkitchens/sous-admin