
A utility for reinterpreting binary data as images.

Primary LanguageC++


file2img is a small utility that can interpret any binary file as image data, in a variety of pixel formats. It's useful for looking at file contents in a visual manner, and for extracting usable images from arcane formats.


-F,--list-formats    Print a list of available formats
-f,--format          Specify the pixel format (default: A8)
-t,--tile            Specify the tile size (default: 1/disabled)
-w,--width           Specify the target width (default: 256)
-o,--output          Specify the output path (default: out.png)
-s,--start           Specify the start offset (default: 0)
-n,--length          Specify the input byte count (default: all of them)
-p,--palette-format  Specify the palette color format (default: none)
-S,--palette-start   Specify the palette start offset (default: 0)

Example Usage:

# DXT5-compressed image:
file2img -s 128 -n $((0x10000)) -f dxt5 input.dds

# paletted image, 8bit index map at 0x200, little-endian XBGR1555 palette at 0x0:
file2img -s $((0x200)) -n 1024 -w 32 -f A8 -p XBGR1555LE -S 0 something.bin

Supported pixel formats:

  • A1* (1-bit gray format)
  • A2* (2-bit gray format)
  • A4* (4-bit gray format)
  • A8 (8-bit gray format)
  • ARGB8888
  • ABGR8888
  • RGBA8888
  • BGRA8888
  • XRGB8888
  • XBGR8888
  • RGBX8888
  • BGRX8888
  • RGB888
  • BGR888
  • RGB565*
  • BGR565*
  • ARGB1555*
  • ABGR1555*
  • XRGB1555*
  • XBGR1555*
  • ARGB4444*
  • DXT1
  • DXT5
  • ETC1
  • PVRTC 4bpp RGB
  • Game Boy†‡ (Game Boy compressed tile format, grayscale)
  • NES†‡ (NES compressed tile format, grayscale)

*: This supports big-endian and little-endian encodings with BE/LE suffixes.
: This is a grayscale format that can be used as an index map for a palette.
: This is a block-based format and cannot be used as a palette color format.