
Modular tool that extracts images and labels from multiple datasets and parses them to Darknet format.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Modular tool that extracts images and labels from multiple datasets and parses them to Darknet format.

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Datasets2Darknet allows you to merge multiple datasets into one while converting them to Darknet format. It is very modular, easing the process of adding new datasets.

Current available datasets

The idea of this section is to add parsers for new object datasets, with the aim of supporting the unification of the maximum possible number of different datasets. Darknet labels vary depending on the task. The labels for Detection Task (./darknet detector) are not the same that the ones for Classification Task (./darknet classifier).

For the moment, in the dataset_parsers folder there are available the following datasets.

Detection Task

Traffic Sign Datasets

Traffic Light Datasets

Classification Task

Main files

Common Config (common_config.py)

All the common methods for the specific dataset parsers are contained in this file, for instance: read_image, resize_image, write_data and so on. Feel free to check them out, each one is documented.

On top of that, there are several constants that you can change according to your preferences. These are:

  • TRAIN_PROB, TEST_PROB: Percentage of train-test proportion for the input images.
  • OUTPUT_IMG_EXTENSION: Extension of the output images. (Default: jpg)
  • COLOR MODE: Default -1 (RGB). If you want to read the images in black-white scale use 0 option.
  • SHOW_IMG: If activated it will show each processed image and the annotated bounding boxes in it.
  • ADD_FALSE_DATA: If activated it will add the false data with a blank txt file as background file for training.

General parser (general_parser.py)

Main file of the program. It imports all the specific datasets and loop over them calling the read_dataset method that returns the count of the classes read in the specific dataset.

At the end, it shows the total number of annotated images per class and train-test proportion.

Datasets Parsers

Directory that contains all the specific datasets parsers.

How to use available datasets

In order to convert the labels of one of the current available datasets to Darknet Format, you need to follow these steps.

1º Modify the output path of the unified dataset

In the src/general_parser you must specify the path where the output images and labels will be stored. This can be done by easily changing the variable named ROOT_PATH. The files for train and test image paths and the folders for train and test images and annotations will be created using that path as base.

2º Specify the datasets to use

Once you have selected the dataset parsers you are going to use from the current available datasets, you have to import them in the src/general_parser file. For example, for importing the German Traffic Sign Detection Benchmark and the MASTIF dataset you would need to add:

import datasets_parsers.gtsdb_parser as GTSDB
import datasets_parsers.mastif_parser as MASTIF

Now, you simply need to add the datasets you want to convert annotations from in the DATASETS variable, as well as their names in DATASETS_NAMES. For extracting data from GTSDB and MASTIF dataset and save the result in ROOT_PATH, these variables would need to have the following values:


3º Modify the input folders from the parsers file

Once you have downloaded the images and annotations from the datasets you are going to use, you should extract the information to separate folders. After that, the last step would be to modify the specific parsers you selected. You need to modify the paths contained in the file and adjust them to the location of these information in your computer.

For example, if we have the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark dataset downloaded at "/home/angeliton/Desktop/DBs/Road Signs/GTSDB/", you should modfiy the GTSDB_ROOT_PATH variable at src/datasets_parsers/gtsdb_parser to that path.

4º Run the general parser

Finally, you just need to execute the general parser python program. From the root path you have to execute:

python3 general_parser.py

How to add a new dataset

1º Add your dataset parser

As each dataset has specific annotation formats, we need a specific parser for each one. However, most of the methods are common, so the process is not difficult.

The methods the dataset parser must have are:

  • initialize_traffic_sign_classes(): This method creates the relations between the real class id of an object in the dataset and the class id we are using for that object in the program. For instance, if a yield object has the class id "A02", we would need to add a relation such as:
def initialize_traffic_sign_classes():
    traffic_sign_classes["4-yield"] = [6]
  • calculate_darknet_format (input_img, image_width, image_height, row): This method converts the specific annotation format for a dataset to the darknet format. First of all we calculate the width and height proportion for the image. After that, we need to retrieve the bounding boxes borders from the specific dataset row and calculate the new positions according to the width and height proportions. Finallu we use the parse_darknet_format common method that needs the left_x, bottom_y, right_x and top_y values.
def calculate_darknet_format(input_img, image_width, image_height, row):
    real_img_width, real_img_height = get_img_dim_plt(input_img)
    img_width = int(real_img_width * RESIZE_PERCENTAGE)
    img_height = int(real_img_height * RESIZE_PERCENTAGE)

    width_proportion = (real_img_width / img_width)
    height_proportion = (real_img_height / img_height)

    object_lb_x1 = float(row[1]) / width_proportion
    object_lb_y1 = float(row[2]) / height_proportion
    object_width = float(row[3]) / width_proportion
    object_height = float(row[4]) / height_proportion

    obj_class = int(row[5])
    adjusted_obj_class = adjust_object_class(obj_class)  # Adjust class category

    if SHOW_IMG:
        show_img(resize_img_plt(input_img, img_width, img_height), 
                left_x, bottom_y, (right_x - left_x), (top_y - bottom_y))

    return parse_darknet_format(adjusted_obj_class, img_width, img_height, left_x, bottom_y, right_x, top_y)
  • read_dataset(output_train_text_path, output_test_text_path, output_train_dir_path, output_test_dir_path): This is the main method. It reads the annotations file or files of the specific dataset, parse them to darknet format through the previous method and write them in the output paths received by argument. You can see an example of how to read different datasets in the datasets_parsers folder but this really depends on the datasets way of organizing the images and annotations.

2º Add the dataset parser to the general parser

The second process is very easy. At the beginning of the general parser, you have to import the new dataset parser you have just created. For example, if we have a new dataset parser called btsdb_parser we would do:

import datasets_parsers.btsdb_parser as BTSDB

After that, you only need to include the alias of the parser in the DATASETS constant, in our case, we would imagine that we are only using the BTSDB parser, so our DATASETS constant would be:


In case of having multiple dataset parsers, we would only need to import them individually and include them in the DATASETS constant. Example with 4 datasets parsers I used for SaferAuto:


3º Run the general parser

Now you only need to run the general parser. You can do that with:

python3 general_parser.py


Ángel Igareta - Computer Engineering Student


This project is licensed under the MIT License