
A centralized location manager for your app.

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION


A centralized location manager for your app.

Carthage compatible


FSQLocationBroker sits between the other classes of your app and CoreLocation's CLLocationManager, giving you a centralized place to manage location services in your app. The broker uses a list of location subscribers to determine which services to request from the system and then forwards the data back where appropriate.

This repo also includes the FSQSingleLocationSubscriber class, a helper that works with the broker for the common case where you only need to get a single location.

Both these classes are thoroughly documented in their headers (which should be automatically parsed and available through Xcode's documentation popovers), but this file includes a brief overview of their features.

Note: A test project is included but it is used for build testing only - an example application is currently not included in this repository.


Carthage Installation

If your minimum iOS version requirement is 8.0 or greater, Carthage is the recommended way to integrate FSQLocationBroker with your app. Add github "foursquare/FSQLocationBroker" to your Cartfile and follow the instructions from Carthage's README for adding Carthage-built frameworks to your project.

CocoaPods Installation

If you use CocoaPods, you can add pod 'FSQLocationBroker', '~> [desired version here]' to your Podfile. Further instructions on setting up and using CocoaPods can be found on their website

Manual Installation

You can also simply add the four objc files in this project to your project, either by copying them over, or using git submodules.

App Extensions

By default FSQLocationBroker uses UIApplication to tell whether or not your app is running in the background. This feature must be disabled if you wish to use the class in an app extension, since UIApplication is not available (the broker will always assume you are running in the foreground).

If you are using Carthage, simply have your extensions use and link against the FSQLocationBroker_AppExtension.framework instead of the standard version.

If you are using a different installation method, you must make sure the FSQ_IS_APP_EXTENSION preprocessor macro is defined when building for an app extension.

Note: FSQLocationBroker cannot currently be used in watchOS 2.0 apps due to its more limited version of the CoreLocation framework.

Custom Subclasses

If you would like to use a custom subclass of FSQLocationBroker in your app, you should set your subclass's class using [FSQLocationBroker setSharedClass:] early on in your app life cycle, before the broker singleton is created (like in your app delegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:). This will cause the FSQLocationBroker's shared class method to return an instance of your subclass instead of itself. Make sure you call setSharedClass: on the base class and not your subclass.

Using Location Broker

To get location data in your class, implement either the FSQLocationSubscriber or FSQRegionMonitoringSubscriber protocols as approriate and add your class to the broker's subscriber list. You should now start receiving location data in your class.

If you want to get location while running in the background, you will need to add the "Location updates" background mode entitlement and add the location key to your Info.plist's "Required Background Modes" (UIBackgroundModes).

Location Subscribers

If your class is interested in getting location callbacks from the broker, it should implement the FSQLocationSubscriber protocol, then add itself to the subscriber list using addLocationSubscriber:

Your subscriber can define what sorts of location information it is interested in using the locationSubscriberOptions bitmask property. The broker will then request the correct services from its CLLocationManager based on what all of its subscribers need.

Region Monitoring Subscribers

If your class is interested in region monitoring (geofences) it should implement the FSQRegionMonitoringSubscriber protocol, then add itself to the subscriber list using addRegionMonitoringSubscriber:

Your subscriber can define a list of regions it would like to monitor and the broker will take care of requesting them from the system for you. Your subscriber should also define an identifer string and include that in its region's identifiers so that the broker can re-assign the regions from CLLocationManager back to your class after an app restart (see the header documentation for more information).

Broker Methods and Properties

You can access the shared pointer singleton for the location broker via the shared method. If you want to use a custom subclass of FSQLocationBroker in your app, you should first set your subclass's class by calling the setSharedClass: method on the base FSQLocationBroker. This will cause the base implementation of [FSQLocationBroker shared] to forward onto the shared method of the class you specify and avoid creating multiple singletons.

You can add location or region monitoring subscribers to the broker using the following methods:

- (void)addLocationSubscriber:(NSObject<FSQLocationSubscriber> *)locationSubscriber;
- (void)removeLocationSubscriber:(NSObject<FSQLocationSubscriber> *)locationSubscriber
- (void)addRegionMonitoringSubscriber:(NSObject<FSQRegionMonitoringSubscriber> *)regionSubscriber
- (void)removeRegionMonitoringSubscriber:(NSObject<FSQRegionMonitoringSubscriber> *)regionSubscriber

You can then get the list of subscribers via the locationSubscribers and regionSubscribers properties. The same class can implement both subscriber protocols, but it must add itself to both subscriber lists independently.

The currentLocation property returns the most recent location received by the CLLocationManager. In most cases if you are interested in getting only a single location, you should use FSQSingleLocationSubscriber instead of accessing this property directly.

See the comments in FSQLocationBroker.h for more in depth documentation.


This subscriber class acts as a helper for when you just need to get a single location. You pass in the accuracy you want to request from the system, the maximum acceptable accuracy that you want from the location returned, how recent the location has to be, and how long to try to get this location. It takes care of adding itself to the broker, finding, and returning an acceptable location to you.

See the comments in FSQSingleLocationSubscriber.h for more in depth documentation.


The classes were initially developed by Foursquare Labs for internal use.

FSQLocationBroker was originally written by Anoop Ranganath (@anoopr), Adam Alix (@adamalix), and Brian Dorfman (@bdorfman). It is currently maintained by Sam Grossberg (@samgro).