
Run different sets of playbooks within your Laravel application

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Laravel Playbooks.

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Run different sets of playbooks within your Laravel application. Inspired and taken (with some liberties) from Aggregate by Brent

Version Compatibility

Version Illuminate Status PHP Version
4.x 9.0, 10.x Active Support ^8.0
3.x 8.x, 9.x Active Support ^8.0
2.x 5.8.x - 8.x End of life ^7.4


You can install the package via composer:

composer require weble/laravel-playbooks


php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Weble\LaravelPlaybooks\PlaybooksServiceProvider"

This is the default content of the config file


return [

    | Run only in these environments
    | Do not allow Playbooks to be run in any environment outside of the ones specified here
    | default: ['local']
    'envs' => [

    | Raise PHP memory limit
    | Raise the default memory limit to avoid issues when running large playbooks.
    | Set to null to disable this feature.
    | default: '20148M'
    'raise_memory_limit' => '2048M',

    | Fresh Migration
    | Run a migrate:refresh command before every playbook run by default.
    | This can be disabled or enabled manually through the
    | --no-migration or --migration options
    | default: true
    'migrate_by_default' => true,

    | Playbook path
    | Choose the root directory where new Playbooks should be created and where
    | the `php artisan playbook:run` command should scan for available playbooks
    | example: 'Console/Playbooks'
    | default: 'Playbooks'
    'path' => 'Playbooks',


NOTE: By default this package runs a migrate:refresh command before running every playbook. You can disable this behaviour in the config or with the manual --no-migration option in the command.

First create one (or more) playbooks

php artisan make:playbook FullPlaybook

This playbook will have the App\Playbooks namespace and will be saved in app/Playbooks.

You can also specify a custom namespace, say, App\Console\Playbooks

php artisan make:playbook Console/Playbooks/FullPlaybook

This playbook will have the App\Console\Presenters namespace and will be saved in app/Console/Playbooks.

Now, you're free to write some stuff in it:


namespace App\Playbooks;

use App\CarType;
use Weble\LaravelPlaybooks\Playbook;

final class CarTypesPlaybook extends Playbook
    public function before(): array
        return [
            // List of other playbooks to run before this one
            // ie: BasePlaybook::once()
            // ie: BasePlaybook::times(3) to run it 3 times

    public function run(): void

    private function createCarTypes(): void
        $types = [
            'Economy' => 3,
            'Business' => 4,
            'Family' => 4,
            'Sport' => 2,
            'Luxury' => 3,
            'Van' => 8,
            'Luxury Van' => 6,

        foreach ($types as $type => $passengers) {
                'title' => [
                    'it' => $type,
                    'en' => $type,
                'subtitle' => [
                    'it' => 'Adipiscing elit. aute irure dolor',
                    'en' => 'Adipiscing elit. aute irure dolor',
                'description' => [
                    'it' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte tur adipiscing elit. aute irure dolor in reprehende.',
                    'en' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consecte tur adipiscing elit. aute irure dolor in reprehende.',
                'max_passengers' => $passengers,
                'max_luggage' => $passengers - 1,
    public function after(): array
        return [
            // List of other playbooks to run before this one
            // ie: BasePlaybook::once()
            // ie: BasePlaybook::times(3) to run it 3 times


Finally, you can run them!

php artisan playbook:run FullPlaybook


Write more tests for the run command


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email daniele@weble.it instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.