
A cozy new home for the former SpreadFirefox affiliates program.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


This is the new home for the Mozilla affiliates program.

Deployment Notes

  • Do not run syncdb when setting up a new copy of Affiliates. All database setup is taken care of by schematic migrations.
  • Post-push steps:
    • git submodule update --init - Update or initialize any new submodules.
    • ./vendor/src/schematic/schematic migrations - Run new migrations.
    • manage.py compress_assets - Generate bundled CSS and JS.

Developer Setup

  1. (Recommended) Set up a virtualenv for the project.
  2. git clone --recursive git://github.com/mozilla/affiliates.git
  3. Set up a MySQL Database
  4. Rename settings_local.py-dist to settings_local.py and edit it.
    • Enter the connection info for the database you set up.
    • Set DEBUG and DEV both to True.
  5. Run schematic migrations
    • DO NOT RUN syncdb. Migrations handle initial setup.
    • You can use the vendor libraries: ./vendor/src/schematic/schematic migrations
  6. python manage.py runserver
    • Run python manage.py createsuperuser if you want to create an admin account.


Patches are welcome! Affiliates is a playdoh-based web application.


This software is licensed under the New BSD License. For more information, read the file LICENSE.