
RoundCube plugin to set alias addresses in PostfixAdmin database

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

| PostfixAdmin Aliases Plugin for RoundCube |


Gianluca Giacometti (php@gianlucagiacometti.it)
Stephan Blanke (stephanblanke@users.noreply.github.com)






Requirements :
- jQuery UI.

To install this plugin, copy all files into /plugin/aliases folder and
add it to the plugin array in config/config.inc.php :

// List of active plugins (in plugins/ directory)
$rcmail_config['plugins'] = array('aliases');


Copy 'config.inc.php.dist' to 'config.inc.php'.
Edit the plugin configuration file 'config.inc.php' and choose the
appropriate options:

$rcmail_config['aliases_driver'] = 'sql';
    so far only sql is available

$rcmail_config['aliases_sql_dsn'] = value;
    example value: 'pgsql://username:password@host/database'
    example value: 'mysql://username:password@host/database'

$rcmail_config['aliases_sql_aliases'] = query;
    query used to select all mailbox aliases
    default mailbox alias to itself is excluded and managed by forward plugin
    the query depends upon your postfixadmin database structure
    placeholders %goto and %address must be kept unchanged
    default query: 'SELECT * FROM alias WHERE goto = %goto AND address != %goto ORDER BY address'
    example query: 'SELECT * FROM aliases WHERE forwardto = %goto AND address != %goto ORDER BY address'

$rcmail_config['aliases_sql_allaliases'] = query;
    query used to select all domain aliases but user's
    need to avoid alias duplicates in the domain
    the query depends upon your postfixadmin database structure
    placeholders %domain, %goto and %address must be kept unchanged
    default query: 'SELECT * FROM alias WHERE domain = %domain AND goto != %goto ORDER BY address'
    example query: 'SELECT * FROM aliases WHERE domain = %domain AND forwardto != %goto ORDER BY address'

$rcmail_config['aliases_sql_read'] = query;
    query used to select an alias
    the query depends upon your postfixadmin database structure
    placeholders $goto and %address must be kept unchanged
    default query: 'SELECT * FROM alias WHERE goto = %goto AND address = %address'
    example query: 'SELECT * FROM aliases WHERE forwardto = %goto AND address = %address'

$rcmail_config['aliases_sql_update'] = query;
    query used to update an alias
    the query depends upon your postfixadmin database structure
    placeholders %newalias, %goto and %address must be kept unchanged
    default query: 'UPDATE alias SET address = %newalias, modified = %modified WHERE goto = %goto AND address = %address'
    example query: 'UPDATE aliases SET address = %newalias WHERE forwardto = %goto AND address = %address'

$rcmail_config['aliases_sql_delete'] = query;
    query used to delete an alias
    the query depends upon your postfixadmin database structure
    placeholders %goto and %address must be kept unchanged
    default query: 'DELETE FROM alias WHERE address = %address AND goto = %goto'
    example query: 'DELETE FROM aliases WHERE address = %address AND forwardto = %goto'

$rcmail_config['aliases_sql_create'] = query;
    query used to create a new an alias
    the query depends upon your postfixadmin database structure
    placeholders %goto, %address, %domain, %created, %modified and %active must be kept unchanged
    default query: 'INSERT INTO alias (address, goto, domain, created, modified, active) VALUES (%address, %goto, %domain, %created, %modified, %active)'
    example query: 'INSERT INTO aliases (address, forwardto, domain, created, updated, active) VALUES (%address, %goto, %domain, %created, %modified, %active)'

$rcmail_config['aliases_sql_toggle'] = query;
    query used to toggle the activation status
    the query depends upon your postfixadmin database structure
    placeholders %goto and %address must be kept unchanged
    default query: 'UPDATE alias SET active = NOT active WHERE goto = %goto AND address = %address';
    example query: 'UPDATE aliases SET active = NOT active WHERE goto = %goto AND address = %address';


Licensed under GNU GPL2 licence.


The code is based on SieveRules plugin (sieverules) by Philip Weir.
Thank you Philip.

The javascript was fixed by Jakub Matas.
Thank you Jakub.