- 5
Vue 3 support?
#104 opened by Tobiasartz - 1
"lazy: true" fails to stop updates
#122 opened by cepm-nate - 0
- 0
implement set like get
#119 opened by gustawdaniel - 1
Use with Nuxt?
#115 opened by vzakharov - 0
Provide cancel method
#117 opened by cxy930123 - 0
#113 opened by nlassaux - 2
Call errorCaptured on Promise rejection
#70 opened by johannes-z - 0
Value getting computed on route changes
#110 opened by mainrs - 2
Typescript / vue-async-computed Property 'foo' does not exist on type 'CombinedVueInstance<Vue, {...}
#100 opened by DGollings - 0
- 0
- 0
Add support to installation as mixin.
#105 opened by shrpne - 0
Initial State of Async Call 'updating' set to true when using shouldUpdate()
#103 opened by flintzPax8 - 2
- 1
$asnyComputed is undefined in computed property when watcher is called first
#74 opened by johannes-z - 2
Doesn't seem to deep watch properties.
#101 opened by hybridwebdev - 2
asyncComputed return only default value
#93 opened by durygus - 1
- 2
- 2
Depend async computed on async computed
#86 opened by felixoi - 2
Add vue-async-computed-decorator to
#90 opened by nwtgck - 4
TypeScript support in 3.8.0
#87 opened by nwtgck - 5
possibility to access the actual Promise
#76 opened by Buntelrus - 3
- 0
Multiple async dependendants
#82 opened by innovate-invent - 8
- 0
Conflict with new vue-function-api
#79 opened by hellboywar - 1
Plugin does not handle watching of data that is updated asynchronously in a methods: function with a Promise inside
#61 opened by tarngerine - 5
$asyncComputed state
#75 opened by dmitriykorobkov - 4
"Auto install in dist mode" code
#72 opened by oscar-gardiazabal - 2
- 3
Feature Request: compatibility with vue serve
#47 opened by SumNeuron - 1
Issue with watch in asyncComputed.
#69 opened by metronom72 - 4
- 1
vue-async-computed doesn't work in IE
#63 opened by johannes-z - 3
[BUG] 3.5.1 need to remove the `module` attribute immediately, it breaks webpack build
#62 opened by adamchenwei - 0
- 3
- 2
pass parameters
#55 opened by yangyanju - 5
- 7
- 3
clear value before updating
#32 opened by wendt88 - 2
- 1
- 2
[proposal] Allow watch to bail out of updating
#35 opened by tjallingt - 2
- 1
New release on npm
#39 opened by hasghari - 1
Cannot configure default value when recalculating
#34 opened by oxalica - 2
Can't prefix with underscore
#33 opened by dsl101