Static site server with auto-reload for developing good ol' client-side apps.
Start the server with:
node server.js
Seriously, it's just one file. You don't need NPM.
Yes, we have those. By default, the server will serve the contents from the current working directory. You can specify a different path:
node server.js /some/path
Other options are set using environment variables (yes, sucks for Windows users that aren't using WSL yet, we may add command line switches later if enough people cry about this).
- port number (default:8080
- hostname (default:''
- URL path prefix (default:'/'
- directory index file (default:'index.html'
Yes, we have those.
For starters, there's no caching. This is intentional. It's a dev server!
There is no compression. Also intentional. You don't need it locally, and makes it a bit easier to spot big payloads.
There is no support for client-side routing that uses URL paths, rather than hashes. In 2020's (and later) I think you shouldn't be doing it if you're not also doing SSR. Don't bother with a PR.
Colorful logging. This crap was developed using Notepad. Not Notepad++, just Notepad. That's how much I care about colors.
Yes, we have those. Probably. This is toy project I use for myself. I don't really need this to be any better than it is.
If you spot a bug, though, I will be more than happy to fix it!
This code is released under the terms of the MIT license.
TL;DR Do whatever you want with it, but don't come crying to me if something breaks and your files get deleted.