This is a simple Go program and a JavaScript web application that allows the user to "chat" with a command line program running on the host computer.
This program was developed to expose through the websocket protocol the chat program developed for testing the Othernet Dreamcatcher capabilities.
Currently, messages are limited to 47 characters. This is the number of characters that we could reliably transmit in our trials. If you would like to build a custom version to change the limit, you can do that by modifying the JavaScript part of the code.
Look under releases.
To start the server run with:
./wschat PATH_TO_CHAT
is full path to the Othernet chat program.
You can change the address and the port to which the server should bind by
specifying the --addr
command line argument:
./wschat --addr PATH_TO_CHAT
You will need both Go and NodeJS in order to develop this application. This program uses statik to bundle the static assets inside the binary.
To build the front end, run the following command:
npm run build
This will build the static assets and create a dist
directory containing
the compiled bundle. It will also update the statik
To build the server run the usual:
go build
You will end up with wschat
executable file (or wschat.exe
on Windows) in
the project directory.
To cross-compile, you will need to have upx installed.
To cross-compile this program for the Dreamcatcher (build on a non-Dreamcatcher machine), run the following command:
GOARM=7 GOARCH=arm GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-s -w"
On Windows machines, the above will not work. Use this instead:
set GOARM=7
set GOARCH=arm
set GOOS=linux
go build -ldflags="-s -w"
Once the build is done, we compress the binary using UPX:
upx --brute wschat